“Kagome Kagome” can be translated to mean “circle you, circle you.” This children’s game is very similar to the game of “Ring Around the Rosy.” While the song has a very dark meaning, the song is simply a fun game to children. This Japanese song dates back to World War II at an orphanage in Japan’s Shimane Prefecture.
During the Nazis reign, they would conduct many experiments on various individuals to attempt to make them invincible. One of these experiments took place in an orphanage in Japan. The goal of this experiment was to find a “kill switch” in the human brain to slowly stop aging and death, in other words, make someone immortal. The Nazi doctors would perform the experiments on countless children and when their attempts failed, they would bury the bodies in the woods surrounding the orphanage without telling anyone about that child’s death.
After many innocent deaths, one girl finally survived. Her heart would stop repeatedly during the procedure and during her sleep, but she would be revived immediately afterwards. The procedure was repeated on more children after that success. For the most part, the children were normal, but the doctors reported that the children all seemed to have some kind of secret. The children would walk around the orphanage with a calm smile on their face, only changing their expression when alone with one of the doctors. The expression would change to be one of pure hatred and the child would begin to repeat the phrase “Kagome Kagome.” This turned into a game that the children would play with the doctors and other caretakers.
When the experiment was shut down, no explanation was given as to why the orphanage was abandoned and what happened to the children. One caretaker later wrote that the final time that the children approached him asking to play “Kagome Kagome,” the faces that the children made were beyond horrifying. This lead the caretaker to run from the building without coming back.
There is no official documentation to support this story, but the orphanage still stands today. Locals do not go anywhere near the building or the woods surrounding the building. The children are rumored to still be living inside the building as immortals. Those who have explored the grounds describe the children as looking normal, only bearing scars from surgeries that the doctors put them through. The children will invite visitors to play “Kagome Kagome” and tell them the rule of the game: “If you flinch, you lose.” Those who play the game claim that the children’s faces morph into terrifying inhuman expressions. Not every visitor has survived this game. Many individuals that have explored the area have been reported missing and never found.
Below is a Japanese vocaloid of this terrifying song. This describes the events that lead to the creation of “Kagome Kagome” and what happens to those that do not win the game.
Again I really love you blog in general! I’m always so surprised, shocked and horrified (in the best way) by your content. This legend was not one I was familiar with before reading this post. I would love to do more research on it myself because I want to see what faces these children actually made. I know this would probably be very torturous to myself but I have such curiosity! Also I really like how you included the Vocaloid song! I forgot that they did a video on this! Also I have a recommendation for something I think you may like! Its called Webtoons! You may already have the app and read them but if not it’s basically an app where you can read manga style comics that update each week! There’s one particular one I think you’d like called Melvina’s Therapy. Its a horror based story!
honestly im fastened by this and i wish to find it since its so “true”
In the 1940’s, the Nazi’s were preforming multiple experiments on people, about different things, trying to make humans perfect.
They were doing one project; to create immortality. They called this giving people the power
of God. They were not allowed to preform these experiments in Germany; the Germans were not allowed to know about the experiments in any way, shape, or form.
So, the Nazi doctors went to an orphanage in Shimane, Japan, claiming that the orphans had “nothing more to live for.”
Their theory was that there was a universal killswitch in every living being, which tells the person to die. They figured that this was the reason that a fly can only live a week, whereas other insects can live longer. They thought it’s somewhere in the brain, and your subconscious tells your body to die.
The caretakers agreed, and the doctors started getting models of their brains. They had a human one from a caretaker, and one from an orphan girl. They discovered that the killswitch was in the cerrebelum
They started their experiments, and started with the tallest girl at the orphanage. They were too rough with the procedure, so she died. They started being less rough, and in the beginning of May, 1943, they had a success. They operated on a six year old girl, and she survivedd the operation.
However, whem she slept; she was clinically dead.
The Nazi doctors brought in Russian doctors from Projekt Venom: which was basically zombification.
They managed to revive the girl each time she died, and the experiments continued.
The Russians only agreed if they could use the girl for their research, sothey tried to create a prosthetic arm. However, they got too scared (of what, we don’t know), and left before they could continue, leaving the girl without an arm.
After the doctors brought in the Russian doctors, who had succeeded in reviving the girl so that she was stable, they continued the experiments. They tried different entries although the patients survived, they were still unsuccessful; One boy was left mentally retarted and without a forehead, a girl was left with a mangled lower jaw, and no tongue after they tried an entry through the lower jaw, and a last girl was half deaf after entry through side of the head.
There was a young eight year old girl who felt the operations weren’t right. She broke into the labs, and tore up research and broke the glassware. The doctors had her beheaded with a blunt baoynet, and she was just thrown into the woods in the back. She had red hair and heterochromic eyes, brown and blue.
Eventually, all but four of the doctors left, having shown signs of insanity. There were 10 survivers of the surgery, both caretakers and orphans. The head caretaker asked the doctors if they would play a game, Kagome Kagome (see the survivors personalities), and three of the four agreed. The last was horrified, and fled from the orphanage.
The three scientists never returned from the orphanage, although no one is sure what happened.
And it’s not a horror story or creepypasta here is Japan it is known as a legend
Is the orphanage real?
No one knows, here in Japan it’s know have a children Japanese old game back in war ll
Uhhh,, what’s the name of this place?
it’s in Linan japan somewhere there never was specified but hope this helps
I heard it was in Shimane, Japan though!
Linan is a town in Shimane Japan.
Extremely helps thank you!! I’d also like to ask how you know its in Linan?
beep boop beep boop
There is an abandoned orphanage hidden in the forest of Shimane, Japan. If you go into the woods, and follow the path that looks like trucks have driven through it, you’ll come across a path with tree stumps, that look like kneeling headless bodies. Continue following the path, and you’ll come across the big stone building of the orphanage. If you open the door, there will be an overwhelming stench of rotting corpses. If you continue inside, and into the dark hallway (as there are no lights, it’s dark no matter what time), and take the first left then continue, until you find the only red door, you’ll find the playroom, with the caretakers and children playing happily.
島根県の森には放棄された孤児院が隠されている。森に入り、トラックがそれを通り抜けたように見える道をたどると、ひざまずく頭のない体にひざまずくように見える木の切り株のある道に出くわすでしょう。道を進むと、孤児院の大きな石造りの建物に出くわすでしょう。ドアを開けると、腐った死体の圧倒的な悪臭がするでしょう。中に入って暗い廊下に入り(明かりがないので、何時でも暗いです)、最初の左に曲がってから続けると、唯一の赤いドアが見つかるまで、世話人や子供たちが楽しく遊んでいるプレイルームがあります。(Only hiragana)
The survivors of the surgery were supposedly very… Off. They seemed normal together, but on their own they were different. They would follow the scientists around wearing dreamy smiles, and if anyone would come up behind them, they’d whip their head around at inhuman speeds, making what seems like a terrifying face, but just make their dreamy smile again.
The surving children and caretakers were able to know things that people wouldn’t expect them to know. There was one incident where a surviving girl asked if one of the scientists really inherited a gold watch from their grandmother.
They were also playing a game much more often; Kagome Kagome, which roughly translated means “Cirle you, Circle you.” The game is basically a group of people in standing in a circle, surrounding one person in the center. [Now, the creepy pasta says they make horrifying faces, and chant, to get the person in the center to flinch.] However, the actual game is that the peron in the ceter is blindfolded or has their eyes closed, and while everyone in the circle has to stand behind him/her. The person in the center has to guess who is directly behind them.
The twis is if you were wrong, you were killed
When the head care taker asked the scientists to play Kagome Kagome in Japanese, as expected; She asked in fluent German.
Supposedly, the survivors are still there, at the orphanage in Shimane, Japan, as well as the girl who was beheaded.
Supposedly, if you go to the orphanage, and you go into the room with all the children and caretakers, you’ll see them playing. However, as soon as you open the door, they will turn around to look at you, even the ones who seemed too interested in playing to notice.
When you walk in, the head caretaker will ask you if you want to play.
If you say yes, they’ll welcome you insdie, and the head caretaker will say “Now, sit down, and don’t flinch.” They’ll start playing the game. If you win and do everything they say, you’ll live. If you don’t, no one really knows what happens.
If you say no, the front door will slam behind you. You’re allowed to run, but you’ll just go through empty corridors. If you go through the right one, the girl who was beheaded, will chase you. Let her catch up, and you’ll meet your doom.
If you say maybe, the children will make horrific faces, and scream loudly and inhumanly “Decide! Decide!” Until you make up your mind. If you say yes or no from here, it’s said that a monster from your nightmares will appear behind you. Greet it, and you’ll die a polite person. Ignore it, and you’ll end up as a beheaded body along the path.
If you say you don’t understand, the head caretaker will say “Go to your school, and watch the children play. You should understand then.” You’ll be allowed out of the orphanage unharmed.
“Kagome Kagome” is a warabeuta (traditional children’s song) that dates to the 1700s. It way, way predates World War II. Perhaps you should cite your sources.