
Krasue is a ghost of Thailand, but can appear in other Southeast Asian folklore. She is a very famous ghost who stars in some of her own movies and books. In order to get as famous as she is, she had to scare a lot of people and create some chaos.

Krasue is a nocturnal female spirit who manifests as a young, beautiful woman. The only problem is that this “beautiful woman” has her internal organs hanging down from her neck. In order to move from place to place, she hovers above the ground with her organs below. The organs typically include a heart, stomach, and intestinal tract, but she can be represented with more internal organs as well (such as lungs). The intestines are usually spotted with fresh blood and glowing. Her teeth are often represented as vampire-like.

The origin of Krasue takes place in Thailand. Her legend comes from the Angkorian Khmer culture. The story tells of a Khmer princess who was meant to marry a Siamese nobleman after her people were defeated in war, but she was in love with a young man of low status. She was eventually caught with her lover and was sentenced to death by burning by the Siamese nobleman. Before the execution, the princess had a spell cast over her so that her body would be unharmed by the fire. the effect of the spell was delayed, so the princess burned until only her internal organs and head were left. She continued to live as Krasue. The curse that Krasue experiences is that she is always hungry and is forced to go out at night and feast on blood of cattle, chicken, or water buffalo. If blood is not available, she is forced to feed on excrement of the animals. During the day, Krasue lives as a normal person on a body that she stole. She only moves alone at night as a head with intestines trailing below. She must rejoin the body before daybreak. There are three ways to kill a Krasue: you must destroy the body when Krasue is hunting at night and replace it with the wrong body so that Krasue suffers until finally dying, or make it so that she cannot find the body when morning comes, or cut off  Krasue’s intestines.

There are variations to this story as it has been passed down through centuries between different cultures. Another factor in the changing of her story is the fact that she is portrayed differently in a number of movies including:

The Dwarves must be Crazy

Krasue Sao (Ghosts of Guts Eater)

Itthirit Nam Man Phrai

Krasue Kat Pop

Krasue Krahailueat (Bloodthirsty Krasue)

And countless others. I do not think that a celebrity such as Krasue will soon die out in Thai folklore.


10 thoughts on “Krasue

  1. I am very interested in this now! This lore is so unique that I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are so many movies on this one topic. I am not sure why this is so scary to people only because I think the physical appearance of Krasue is really ridiculous looking. I sounds like a bunch of people took a bunch of horror story tropes to create her. Also I find the evil things she does to be so weird! None of them seem to match up. She just seems to need to blood from animals but doesn’t have to kill people. I will never forget this post. I actually want to see a movie with her in it now.

  2. This krasue sound like folklore, unless you experienced it yourself. When I was in boarding school, my friends and I uses to company our former teacher when she finished teaching late (evening tuition). She was pregnant at time with her first child. I used to think it only a folklore too,until I saw myself flying in the air at night during my journey company my former teacher home. In my country we call the krasue,’ penanggal” which means remover because she can remove herself from her body. In my country, we believe krasue is not a curse, but it merely black magic practice. People believe, she become krasue because she wants to stay young and pretty. As a result, she needs to drink blood at night.

    • This karasue might be what we call “Kaosi” here in Manipur by the tribal people.They are like fireflies from afar from what I heard.But they don’t physically appear with those heads, intestine and all,maybe none of the people here never seen it up close since most people claim to have seen them at night from afar,so they might have seen only below head since it glows.Here,they believe they enter other body and feed with the organs and all,but the difference from what I heard in other comments and where I live is that other countries claim that the karasue eat other as in cannibalize their prey(Don’t know if that’s the right word here) physically.But here,they say they can enter human body like a spirit and eat them,But not physically,because they can be caught while they stay in the victim body,since they share the body,they torture or questions the karasue or whatever by pulling their hair and shaking them,and they really answer them,I don’t know if that thing is the one that answer or the victim answer to stop them from torturing,maybe the person suffers from some sickness that they don’t know,I don’t know if u can understand what I said, because I don’t.If this is another thing I’m talking about let me know.

  3. Thanks for asking if you could come over for a few hours and then we can meet up with you and your you can come to pick up today or tomorrow morning if you want to come over and pick up some stuff for you to pick up today or tomorrow morning thanks for the call thanks for the update thanks for your me thanks for your thanks for your me thanks for your thanks for your me thanks for your thanks for your

  4. I think the lust is one the krasue sickness. Maybe she enters the body who feel lust and don’t satisfied herself maybe there she enters. I think so. I just watch the movie right now.

  5. Even in our culture from India North East meghalaya for garo tribe we have similar Creasture like this they called it rakashi and it’s same way detached their body and fly at night in the paddy field especially during sowing season and they says it’s bad luck or dangerous if you encounter them and they glow like fire ball only with head so I think all South East Asian have this creature ig

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