Don’t Worry Darling

WARNING: Spoilers of Don’t Worry Darling ahead. 

Jack Chambers (Harry Styles) and Alice Chambers (Florence Pugh) inside The Victory Project. Via: IMDb

Since its release a few months prior, I have heard so much surrounding the movie Don’t Worry Darling. It stars Harry Styles and Florence Pugh. Directed by Olivia Wilde, it is a psychological thriller that follows the strange, unsettling lives of multiple couples. They are all a part of “The Victory Project.” However, the wives have no understanding of this project as it is highly secretive.  

This movie specifically follows the lives of Jack and Alice Chambers. At first glance, the lives of everyone living in Victory appear to be picture perfect. The women remain at home during the day, shopping, spending time with the other wives, or anything else that they please. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that Victory is not as perfect as it appears. Alice begins to hallucinate and experience moments that make her highly skeptical of The Victory Project. She expresses her concern to her husband Jack, who is highly dismissive. Eventually, Jack sends her away to be “reprogrammed” when she threatens to run away. 

After returning to Victory, Alice forgets about her previous skepticism. However, her trance was broken when Jack began humming a song. Alice does not actually exist inside Victory. Instead, she has been strapped to a bed and kept inside a trance-like state. In her real life, Alice works long hours and receives many reprimands from Jack because he does not get to spend much time with her. After seeing what Victory could do for Jack and his relationship with Alice, he decides to take her against her will and trap her inside this project. 

After Alice has this clarity, she kills Jack inside Victory, which also kills him in the real world. She escapes the house and flees to headquarters, where she transports herself back to the real world. The movie ends with a black scene and the sound of Alice gasping, indicating that she had successfully escaped The Victory Project and was now back in the real world. 

Overall, this movie was outstanding. The scene appears to be reminiscent of the 1950s, which adds to one of the deeper meanings behind this film. Jack chooses to put Alice in this project because he feels emasculated by his inability to provide for her in the real world. He puts her in this seemingly perfect world, but it is heavily contrasted with the horrific reality of their situation.  

The movie was also very thrilling, because it features some supernatural-like aspects and hallucinations that Alice was experiencing. Throughout the entire film, I was on the edge of my seat. I never was able to anticipate what was going to happen next. The true reveal of The Victory Project was extremely shocking and led to an incredible ending for the film. 

I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for an incredible, thrilling movie. There are so many different interpretations and meanings behind this film. The soundtrack went perfectly with the movie, and the storyline was very thoughtful. I would give Don’t Worry Darling a 9/10 overall, and it is an absolute must-watch. 

Spring Semester Blog Topics

During this new semester, I want to switch up my passion blog topic. I want to do movie reviews, specifically of ones that I have never seen before. For my civic issues blog, I want to do my idea about the education system. I want to talk about why public schooling is so important to provide support to kids who come from difficult home situations or other difficult situations.

This I Believe Draft

Time is finite. We won’t always have the same opportunities as we do now. That is why we must spend as much time with those who matter and listen to their stories before they are unable to tell any more. Throughout my entire life, my Nana was someone I always wanted to be around. She always told the most incredible stories about her youth and gave me some of my favorite childhood memories. Her smile had the ability to fill a room of darkness with light. She always spoke so intelligently and kindly and was the one person who could comfort me whenever I was upset.  

I was 16 when my Nana began to change. She always had the sharpest mind, but she now began forgetting little things. Over time, her prognosis had progressed, and she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. I was crushed; I knew she would continually worsen until eventually, she would have difficulty remembering who I even was. 

When I become upset about my Nana, I like to think about my memories of her before her life was taken over by this unfair disease. I think of her old stories, even those she can no longer remember herself, and it makes me smile. I can tell my Nana her own stories and make her laugh and experience moments of clarity. Having an abundance of memories and moments compiled with her makes this arduous process easier to navigate through. Instead of only thinking about my Nana who experiences Alzheimer’s disease, I can remember her as the incredible woman she is. This is why I believe it is so important that we take in present moments and spend time with those who matter most to us. 

Blog and Podcast Ideas

For my “This I Believe” podcast, I had the idea of sharing how going up in a small, non diverse area can shape a person. I have a personal experience with this because I was raised in an environment like that so I think it could be interesting to share my personal take and how it has affected me as a person. Another idea that I had was exploring the importance of having close, good friends in my life.

For my passion blog, I might consider staying with my topic from last semester, which was doing food reviews of places I have never tried. I really like trying to find new, good restaurants so that blog would be something I would enjoy. I also really love watching movies so I might possibly switch to doing a movie review about ones that I have never seen before.

For my civic issues blog, I like the idea of talking about the importance of public education and proving kids with support. My mom works with kids who come from difficult home situations in elementary school, so I have seen first hand the importance of public school because it supports kids who need it. I also would like to express how many women are treated within the workplace in comparison to men. I’m very passionate about equity so I think this would be something I am interested in exploring more.