Blog and Podcast Ideas

For my “This I Believe” podcast, I had the idea of sharing how going up in a small, non diverse area can shape a person. I have a personal experience with this because I was raised in an environment like that so I think it could be interesting to share my personal take and how it has affected me as a person. Another idea that I had was exploring the importance of having close, good friends in my life.

For my passion blog, I might consider staying with my topic from last semester, which was doing food reviews of places I have never tried. I really like trying to find new, good restaurants so that blog would be something I would enjoy. I also really love watching movies so I might possibly switch to doing a movie review about ones that I have never seen before.

For my civic issues blog, I like the idea of talking about the importance of public education and proving kids with support. My mom works with kids who come from difficult home situations in elementary school, so I have seen first hand the importance of public school because it supports kids who need it. I also would like to express how many women are treated within the workplace in comparison to men. I’m very passionate about equity so I think this would be something I am interested in exploring more.

  1. I think both of your “This I Believe” podcast ideas are really interesting; particularly, I enjoyed the one about growing up in a small town and becoming exposed to more diversity. For your passion blog, I enjoyed reading your food blog from last semester and would love to see you continue it. For the civic issue blog, both seem very interesting, but I like how you have a personal connection through your mom to your first idea.

  2. I believe you can do more with your first idea for the podcast in contrast to the second. I enjoy your first choice for the civic issues blog but you could easily go either way and have a lot to discuss.

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