The Other Woman

WARNING: spoilers ahead! 

During the past week, my best friends and I decided to indulge in a self-care night. We bought a ton of snacks, put on face masks, and decided to watch a movie together at the end of the night. One of my friends suggested The Other Woman, which I had never seen it before. The Other Woman stars Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, and Kate Upton. The main plot behind this story is exactly what the title indicates; one man is in a relationship with all these girls. 

Kate, played by Leslie Mann, is married to Mark. At the same time, Carly, played by Cameron Diaz, is shown to be in a relationship with Mark. Kate and Carly are quite different from each other. Kate is a stay-at-home wife with a very light-hearted personality, whilst Carly is a much more strong-headed character who spends a lot of time working. One day, Carly decides to surprise Mark at his “vacation” home, but she is stunned when Kate answers the door. Kate further investigates Mark’s connection to Carly and decides to try to discover more information about their relationship. 

At first, Carly is very hesitant to talk to Kate because she does not want to get involved in this situation. However, she starts to feel sympathetic for Kate and they decide to follow him when he goes on vacation. While there, the two discover Mark has also been dating Amber, played by Kate Upton. The two confront Amber, who feels deeply sorry about what happened. The three of them plan to hurt Mark’s reputation and pull many pranks on him, like putting hair remover in his shampoo. After a while, Carly discovers that Mark has been stealing money from his company under Kate’s name, who would take all the blame for it if he got caught. 

Kate, Carly, and Amber while following Mark on his vacation. Via: Variety

In the end, Mark is called into Carly’s office where he finds all three women sitting in there. They then tell him they know about his stealing. However, because the money was in Kate’s name, she was able to drain the bank accounts and take all his money. Mark has a total breakdown in the office, and the movie ends with all three women sharing their success stories. 

I honestly cannot believe I have never watched this movie before because it is one that would typically be right up my ally. The plot was great throughout, especially the dynamic between Carly and Kate. At first, Carly found herself at odds with Kate because the two are so different. However, as the movie progresses the two grow closer along with the addition of Amber into their friend group. There are many comedic moments throughout, and my friends and I were all engaged and entertained the entire time. 

Overall, I would highly recommend watching The Other Woman. This is an especially good movie for a girl’s night. It was a well thought out comedy that had an amazing girl power ending. 

  1. My roommate and I were just talking about watching this movie and now you’ve definitely convinced me! Per usual you have done a great job of describing the movie in a way that really gets readers hooked into wanting to watch it, but still leaving a good amount unspoiled so it’s still worth watching without feeling like you already know what’s going to happen. I’m a big fan of the girl’s night comedy type of movies and am always looking for more to add to my list for my friend group girls nights, so this one is perfect!

  2. This sounds like an amazing movie! I can’t believe I have never heard about it before. I liked the way you described the relationship between Kate and Carly. You were able to convey the complexity and growth of that relationship well. I also liked your analysis of the book at the end and want to hear more about you analysis of the film overall. It sounds like you really enjoyed the movie so I will add it to my “to watch” list. I can’t wait to see what you watch next! Great Job!

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