Rhetorical Analysis Introduction

Kairos is an integral part of any advertisement, whether it be the Super Bowl, Labor Day, or just National Pancake Day. The recent popularity of the Black Lives Matter movement creates a kairotic moment for advertisers to not only sell their product, but also promote social change. Sprite and Verizon both take advantage of the kairos of the Black Lives Matter movement, but they employ different rhetorical elements and commonplaces in their advertisements. Sprite uses logos, Verizon uses ethos, and both use pathos in distinctly different ways and display their rhetorical elements through images and narration.

Please please please give me honest feedback don’t be afraid to rip into my introduction I need serious help with them and I really value your criticism 🙂

One thought on “Rhetorical Analysis Introduction”

  1. The opening sentence is not one that makes me want to read more, nor is it memorable. How does the BLM Movement create a kairotic moment? Does it even do so? Or is the Movement itself an effect of the crimes which BLM used the kairos from to become an influential Movement. I think you just need to go a little more in-depth with stronger diction and a stronger thesis.

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