For my advocacy project, some ideas that came to my mind are advocating for people to either switch from regular milk to a plant-based milk (such as almond milk or oat milk), to use metal straws instead of plastic straws, or to stop relying heavily on fast fashion and maybe thrift instead. I am not really leaning towards one over the other these are just some ideas I came up with. My audience would probably just be the class.
As for the photo essay is a piece of art, a piece of advocacy, or ethical, I think that it is two of the three. I would say that the essay is a piece of art because it makes people feel certain emotions. It is not art as we usually think of art, it is art in that it is visuals that make people feel a certain way. I would also say that this work is ethical as long as proper trigger warnings are attached at the beginning. I would not say that this photo essay is a piece of advocacy because there are no action steps, and it doesn’t express what needs it is addressing in the audience. I guess you could argue that the need is expressed in that we are all humans and domestic violence is obviously wrong but I think an advocacy piece is supposed to address the needs. If action items were included then maybe I would consider it an advocacy piece.
I LOVE literally every single one of your ideas. My favorite would definitely be switching to plant based milks. Most people don’t understand or aren’t educated about the negative impact cows milk has on the environment. Plus there is still the rumor that cows milk has “calcium” which isn’t necessarily true because it comes from the grass that cows eat which could be better fit for humans through pill supplements. As you can see I’m pretty passionate about that topic so I totally think you should go with that one, but I love them all!
I think that your idea on fast fashion is probably my favorite. I have seen so so many people on tik tok doing giant shein hauls that are all trendy clothes that will most likely be worn a couple of times and then never again. I also like the switch from plastic straws to metal ones SAVE THE TURTLES!
I too love your fashion idea, I love all things clothes and I think people will find it extremely interesting. I personally think I misunderstood the idea of this project when I wrote my blog hahaha and I think if you do not do the straw idea I might do that, I love the beach and I practically live down there from May till August!