Welcome back to Unsolved, everyone. This week I’ll be telling you about an especially interesting case to make up for the long break we had, the Tube Sock Killings case.

The Tube Sock Killer was active for just four months in the remote area of Mineral in Washington state. In this short window of time, he was presumed to have ended the lives of four victims, but this number could be vastly different if there are victims who have not been found yet.

The first pair of victims, Steven Harkins and Ruth Cooper, were discovered on August 14, 1985. The couple had planned a weekend camping trip at Tule Lake, but they did not come back to work the following Monday so their families reported them missing. Harkins’ body was found first, still in his sleeping bag, suggesting that he was killed by a shot to the head in his sleep. Their pet dog was found shot to death as well, but Cooper’s body was still missing. Over a month later, Cooper’s skull was found and positively identified using dental records. The rest of her body and belongings were found in the nearby area, and a tube sock was wrapped around her neck. Although this suggests strangulation, her cause of death was actually determined to be a shot to the abdomen.


More than two months after these first murders, the second pair of victims were reported missing. Mike Riemer and his girlfriend, Diana Robertson, were on a camping trip near Nisqually River with their daughter, Crystal. The same evening that they left, Crystal was found alive standing outside of a Kmart about 30 miles away. She was only two years old, so she was not verbal enough to provide much information, but she did say that, “Mommy was in the trees.” Because of the winter weather, searching for the missing couple was difficult, and their bodies were not discovered until over two months later. Robertson was found first, again with a tube sock tied around her neck, by a driver near a road frequented by loggers, so the police brought in bloodhounds in an attempt to find Riemer. Despite their efforts, they could only find his pickup truck.

One mystery of this case was that a manila envelope was found on the dashboard of the truck with the message, “I love you, Diana” written in Riemer’s handwriting. There was also blood belonging to Robertson found in the car, making Riemer the new primary suspect.

The most agreed upon story at the time was that Riemer killed Robertson, drove his daughter to the store and abandoned her, and then fled. And because of the tube sock pattern, the police suspected that he was not only responsible for the death of Robinson, but the first couple as well.This was also more convincing because he had a history of domestic violence, making the link to violent homicide more possible.

A major development, decades later in March of 2011, caused everything the police thought they knew to be once again under question. A partial skull belonging to Riemer was found within a mile radius of where Robinson’s body was found back in 1986. Because of the age of the skull, investigators are now under the impression that Riemer was another victim, but because only a small part of the remains were found, cause of death could not be determined.

After decades, even with the advancements that technology had made, investigators of this case ended up being left with more questions than answers. Given the uncertainty around these cases, the notion that the Tube Sock Killer was active beyond these two incidents is not far-fetched. For all we know, there could be other undiscovered victims buried in the Washington campgrounds.

162 thoughts on “Washington: Tube Sock Killings

  1. You know since I feel so darn honest this morning I thought I’d let this one out too you know I know that they were involved in the DB Cooper plot because of the clothes that was at the farm you know I actually seen the clothes that my dad was wearing the night of the jump so If somebody asked me to describe the coat with a little like little fur park a thing on the top I think it was I think that was the coat that I was looking at inside there I mean but his clothes was up at the top of the stairway another thing was you know before my grandmother passed away she told me there’s a man with a story john you’re the man with the story and you need to tell it you know she made me promise on her deathbed to to find out and tell the story you know she was probably scared for her own children and family members at the story got out too but it was you know Marietta was dirty she calls Marietta Mert and Mert’s short for murderer She murdered her own brother when he was a child his name was Jerry L Don and they got the money for the farm with that money and Marietta live that life ever since Now right there the transponder is right next to the farm or it’s just it’s just to the right of it so the plane has to come around it and if there’s a bonfire right there’s the place and that’s what they apparently done but what I was getting to you know is my grandma before she died she asked me what you know to do with the farm and I said well you know she was going to leave it to me and I said no I said you better give this to the three girls like you planned you know years ago you told me you know 30 years ago that this year was to be divided evenly amongst the three daughters and I told my mother that I want to come after her money if she didn’t come after mine and I told my grandma that very thing so I said no III don’t want the farm I said I think you should give it to the like you planned well that’s fine well what I didn’t know was there was a large amount of money in stocks and stuff over there and it was over $1,000,000 it was one point three or $1.4 million matter of fact and if any of that money there has anything to do with DB Cooper my aunt Jeannie Four’s has it and Jack force Down in Woodland WA but I’m not sure but that is a strange amount of money for my grandmother to own and to have I knew she had money you know my grandmother she told me at one point at the farm when I was there she told me she goes you know I could have put two homes on the property like this referring to one for her daughter Jeannie that was live in the house with her you know she let me know that she had money and I just said to her I said well that’s nice it’s nice to be able to be in that position to you know be able to do such a thing grandma and I said and that’s yours and yours alone I said isn’t that nice my grandmother went to the point of telling me if I wanted to have AA place on the farm I could have a place on the farm you know like put a house or a mobile home or something like that because my my grandma wanted me to kind of keep an eye out and make sure nothing happened she wanted to stay there on the farm for the rest of her life because she didn’t want to be in an institution because something may bad happen to her add me and my grandmother we had a pretty much honest relationship but I do know that she was withholding evidence from me I do recall after the db Cooper incidents and the murder of the Terry Shortridge Boy I was taken to the farm my grandmother had you know happy and birthday parties and as was everybody’s birthday of course Can just put her out one person but everybody it’s everybody’s birthday that’s interesting you know they make you forget about things that happened over there by taking you herein we’re going to do something bigger you know that’s easy to deal with the child but when the child looks back and see how they’ve been using you and abusing others by the use of you well it’s time to say something just look at the saw on the front of the bowling alley over there in Morton Washington and you will know that I am telling the truth if it wasn’t so that would not be there now isn’t this nice you see every action has an equal opposite reaction you know I’ve dealt with a person he’s a Russian I guess a Russian scientist and he comes up with the wave theory Paul Watson I believe his name is he lives in Australia this present time I believe but me and Paul’s had some talks and you know I told them I said you know what you’ve ripped off you know every action has equal opposite reaction and he tells a good story and stuff and then he plagiarized it makes it owed boy he got hot with be over that one but you know what when people point out the truth Boy they get hot I got him to go off about Microsoft too oh boy he doesn’t like Microsoft he doesn’t like their security and he doesn’t like how they do breaches you know really interesting but well there you go.

  2. I’m going to talk about my aunt Jeannie my aunt Jeannie was a hairdresser in battleground Washington near the farm she lived on the farm matter of fact during the time of the DB Cooper heist And she does the makeup and the hair and everything and they fix George Rupp right there on that farm to go do the job they took him over to the Portland airport and they dropped them off that’s why there’s no car there so that’s where it happened and the properties at 15619 NE 3rd Ave brush Prairie WA the transponder I’ve only seen from Google Earth it’s right there it’s just off to the right of the farm always and you can see when they come round and all you have to do is jump and when that plane turns I’m sure that you could feel it in the air and George also had the capacity to sit there and watch that plane and watch this night after night from the family farm so for them to dream this up and stuff well that was easy and you know my grandpa well he works for Clark County he’s the plumbing inspector he gets go everywhere anywhere and Clark County Calitz County I mean I seen my grandpa a drive in all the way down in Longview area I’d pass them on the freeway when I was younger and I’d see my grandpa in his car he had a green maverick green and then my grandma served Maverick that she got later you know brand new red Maverick and I looked like somebody put a head on her and I’m sure it’s a jittery because of the fact that her steering box in that brand new car went bad and she ended up crashing she put that car in the garage like it was evidence she purchased another car and it was a silver car and it only had like 68,000 miles on it and it was parked at the farm when I was there but when they took over the farm when my grandma passed away jerry Wright took a CAT 235 Shovel and he cut that car in half he got on that shovel and he just leveled that house I mean The only thing that that guy wanted he wanted to destroy I cleaned up the farm and the family knows it I cleaned up the farm because I was asked to come back by Jeannie Force she’s claiming to me that she’s going to give me all of all of the money she’s going to give me grandma’s money I told her no I don’t want Grandma’s money because then the family would be after me so here my grandma’s trying to give me this property and so my aunt Jeannie’s saying she’s going to give me the farm and the property and all the stuff that’s my grandma’s why are they trying to give this to me and I’m just going no I don’t want this I don’t want nothing to do with this because they’ll just come after me for it you know before it was over She told me she didn’t want me to ever come back to my family and she says if you go back to them she goes I’ll be made out as the bad guy I wonder why my aunt Jeannie would say such a thing and there it is lola parts here little parts there little puzzles pit put together and by the way my aunt Jeannie down there at that hair salon she was collecting bells she had 100 bells there a 500 bells I don’t know how many bells but I was in her thing and she apparently been collecting and people had been bring in her bells and stuff for customers to Genie over the years I don’t know exactly what the bells for but I found that interesting and when my aunt Jeannie went out of business Marietta and then went down there I guess and helped her clean out her shop and my aunt Jeannie said They stole my bells and you know what at 561 NW Rhode Island place I seen those bells I found those bells hidden in the garage on the left hand side and you know why they had them there because they were hiding their theft and they were hiding their garbage that they were hiding isn’t that nice you see I found the bells and I was ran off out of Lewis County and then I got all this information all the stuff started coming in I wasn’t asking they were attacking my aunt Jeannie was telling me things my grandma was too it was like a three ring circus around me.

  3. Money Laundering
    Money laundering is an illegal activity that involves taking money that was earned from criminal activity and making it appear to have come from a legitimate business. For instance, criminals take money from drug trafficking rings – which is considered dirty money – and “launder” it to make it look clean.

    The money laundering process involves three steps: placement, layering, and integration. Placement requires the perpetrators to put the dirty money into a legitimate financial system, like a bank.

    The next step is layering, which conceals the illegal source of the money by processing it through a series of transactions and adjustments that make it difficult to track.

    The last stage is integration. At this point, the laundered money is taken out of the legitimate account and used for whatever illegal purposes the perpetrators intended it.

    Terrorist Financing
    Terrorist financing refers to the solicitation or collection of money with the intention that it be used to support terrorist organizations or acts. The funds can have legitimate or illegal sourcing, but the perpetrator willfully intends to use the money to support terrorism.

    The goal of terrorist financing is not necessarily to cover up the source of the funding, but rather to conceal the nature of the activities they are financing. In this scenario, the crime is financing terrorist activities or organizations.

    How Are They Connected?
    At first glance, it may seem like money laundering and terrorist financing are complete opposites – one aims to clean up money obtained from illegal activities, while the other seeks to use funds, regardless of the source, to finance terrorist organizations.

    However, these illegal activities both take advantage of the financial system and often are done together. A majority of terrorist financing comes from illegitimate sources like the black oil market or drug trafficking.

    As a result, organizations must implement anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) procedures to detect and prevent these illegal activities.

    High-Risk Industries
    While money laundering and terrorist financing is a risk anytime money is exchanged, there are industries where the risk is significantly higher. These industries include any financial institution like banks, currency exchange houses, check cashing facilities, and payment processing companies. Others include those involved in the sale of real estate, cars, or boats – or any industry with branches located in high-risk countries.
    The following characteristics are indicators of a high-risk industry.

    High-Risk Customers
    When customers are reluctant to provide information or create unnecessarily complex ownership structures involving nominees or bearer shares, there is a heightened risk for money laundering and terrorist financing.

    Similarly, if an industry has customers that primarily pay with cash, it can be an indicator of illegal activities. Consider real estate transactions that are paid up in cash and where the source of that cash is unclear. This is also a risk for arms dealers, money service organizations, and privately-owned liquor or convenience stores.

    Conducting business with customers who are PEPs – politically exposed persons – also puts you at greater risk for money laundering or terrorist financing. These individuals often have a high net worth and can influence government contracts or public decisions, requiring businesses to implement additional due diligence measures.

    Clients who exhibit unusual behaviors may also indicate a higher risk. For example: if their activity or level of spending is inconsistent with their lifestyle, they have multiple accounts with no explanation or have professional advisors that turn over rapidly there is a good chance illegal activities are occurring.

    Likewise, if transactions do not make commercial sense or the clients seem to be paying higher fees than normal without specific reasoning, the behavior should be investigated.

    There is also a heightened risk when customers are known to have a criminal history or are linked to terrorist organizations.

    High-Risk Products or Services
    Industries that involve certain products or services can also be a factor contributing to a higher risk of terrorist financing or money laundering.

    A large volume of electronic payments like ACH, wire transfers, remittances, and prepaid cards can be indicative of illegal activities. There are additional risks since you are not verifying the identities of your consumers in person. There is also the potential that many transactions are being performed at once to allow for layering.

    If a business engages in electronic banking services and allows for online account opening or remote mobile deposits, there is a better chance that criminals will try to exploit them.

    These industries include investment businesses, trust and company services, accounting services where books and records may have been falsified, and insolvency services.

    Similarly, companies that are involved in the sale of cars, boats, planes, real estate, and other real property also have a higher risk level, as buying expensive assets is a way for money launderers to clean up dirty money.

    High-Risk Delivery Channels
    Businesses that provide services to clients virtually and never actually meet them are at higher risk of being used for money laundering and terrorist financing.

    This includes remote banking and payment services, as well as currency exchanges and real estate transactions where the buyer is not present.

    High-Risk Geographic Locations
    Industries that have business locations centered in certain countries have an inherent risk of money laundering and terrorist financing. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) or other international governing bodies identify such locations.

  4. good morning it’s 6/11/2023 and its 8am I wake up this morning I go out to the mailbox to have my nephew Kevin H Baker pull up across the street and point his car at me like it’s a weapon you see my family members have been acting out against me my sister she has her boy harass in me bonnie my sister got caught up in a mess with her parents I guess but it all starts in Port Angeles WA so this morning I’m just reporting you the incidences that has happened in the last 48 hours to 72 hours well I raked up out front a little bit and my landlord Ernie Tobak and he’s a good guy as far as I’m concerned he’s caught up into something that he shouldn’t even be in so here we are he is clear he he cleans his property well my sister hasn’t been around on my side until she sees me doing some work and her son’s been harassing her son’s been told to stay away from my house so What he does is he puts her up to doing it because they are working as a team I mean I’m not trying to cause trouble I’m trying to tell the truth and they’re trying to stop me and they’re trying to block me from telling the truth just like my family always has they’re all dirty and they’re dirty because of George L Wright and Mary Ed L Wright and Jerry L Wright my sister Bonnie became a victim and now she’s got act out because really that’s the robe that she pushed her down and they went down it now they could wear their robe they can wear it they should wear what they’ve done and by me coming forward my family is leaning on us and you know what my brother Jim Hey something’s happened to him my sister Patty oh well something’s happened to her oh my my niece Trisha something happened to her in Louis County where she came up missing you know it really comes down to they keep coming telling me big stories and stuff because they want me not to look directly at them because there behind what they’re doing here but the cops are leaning on them I talked to Kevin Baker a while back they’ve taken his child off the property and they use the black police officer so they’re using racial and black and stuff to lean on this family hey man is that my problem not really it’s their problem and why is their problem because they’re dirty my dad told me a long time ago don’t ever get into trouble are these cops will have their meat hooks in you these cops have their meat hooks into this family and this family is acting out jerry L Wright from Morton WA and Bruce Kimsey the detective have been leaning on my family because they don’t want any one to know that they’re behind crime in the Pacific Northwest it’s the Boy Scouts it’s the cops and if you say anything they’ll bury you and to prove everything that I’m saying there’s a saw on the front of the bowling alley in Morton WA and my dad’s house in Port Angeles WA it’s painted sheriff’s screen today and if you go to Google Earth and look back you’ll find out that they had that house painted pink like a pig and then they turned around and they painted it green if you tell anybody looked the house next door they put center blocks on the roof of a trailer what they’ll smash you that is a threat right there on 5th and Gale’s edition and it’s right up next to Baker’s Ave well my sister married a Baker she’s following signs and stuff her mother was behind the zodiac now she has little baker children running around causing problems you see this all stems to my mother forcing my dad to comply using the cops in the Pacific Northwest and George Wright did the job and he got me out of a cage from that house and he got me to Morton WA where he got a bowling alley and he got rid of that woman Marietta L right and they’ve always been fighting over me because whoever has possession over me because John will know the truth because once they **** start in on me hey I’d start telling about all this their stuff and it won’t make sense to people but these are two people it was explained to me by my mother you know like they’re fighting over a baby like the Solomon thing two mothers are fighting over the baby once says it’s hers one says it’s hers okay and the mother says well we’ll just kill the baby if you don’t give it to us and that’s what they did to my sister body so my sister body gives her her first child and then Marietta’s son Jerry Is holding that child over my sister Bonnie’s head for the rest of her life to comply and do what I do or I will bury you I will bury you I will bury your children and that’s exactly the effect that Jerry Wright has had over the family in Lewis County jerry Wright needs to be arrested ripped right out of his bed Bruce Kempsey needs to be arrested ripped right out of his bed and Rick Rife should be released from prison because they framed Rick Rife I came forward and I told Bruce Kimsey the truth about the situation with the Merwin’s and Jerry Wright and you know what Bruce Kimsey came after me and they put my family after me and you know what now I’m just going to tell the truth and when everybody sees the pieces of the puzzle put together they’ll go Jesus Christ it’s right there he was telling the truth all along it’s right here and now they got this bowling alley in Morton WA if you tell anybody we’ll cut you in half there is no friendly bowling pin on the front of that bowling alley what are they going to have in Morton Washington a Jamestown massacre because that’s exactly what it looks like if anybody tells you’ll end up in the mortuary the people that are in the bowl and alley are now sullen pulled pork why because they’re pork and pork on the whole American public there pull and pork on the good people that’s getting sucked in and used by these criminals that’s living low lives living high off the hogs pigs in a blanket you know like their blanket party that I’ve been told about by my family members my family members has told me all little threats and stuff you know little cuts and stuff underlining threats well now look at the bowl in Allen Morton WA it all says that everything I was saying was true and look at the house in Port Angeles that was my dad’s house now that house is painted green now it’s connected all together all the way to Port Angeles WA and I’ll tell you another thing the woman Burks Bertha Burks from Port Angeles WA she was murdered she came to the store down to that store the highway market where my dad’s gas station was my family’s connected to Bertha Burks of Port Angeles Washington that died in February of 1970 after Maya dad arrived home from Port Angeles and that means that my mother and Barney and Jerry and Jim and all them was on the run and that’s why I found myself in the back seat of a car heading towards Mossy Rock Morton area Lewis County because my dad was on the run that’s why I was taken in the middle of the night with my brother Jim I woke up my brother Jim’s to the left of me I’m on the right hand side of the car my brother Jerry sat in front of me dad’s driving jerry and dad are talking jerry and dad are in cahoots I’m sitting in the back seat and I’m listening to me jerry L Wright and George L Wright was hand in hand matter of fact Jerry my brother he says I had dinner with your wife one day he says I had lunch with your wife and I thought well that’s nice because I slept with Jerry’s wife when I was a child why because they put me up to doing it it’s the little games that they play the little mind games play and people against people yeah for tat you know what the Boy Scouts have a lot to explain and the law enforcement officers have been right there with the Boy Scouts what protecting the Boy Scouts from the parents are the parents from the Boy Scouts it’s a three ring circus is what it is the people that was in the Morton Boy Scouts that I was forced into the Boy Scouts in Morton WA and what did I meet there weirdos a bunch of weirdos and by the way And those people that was in there stan Hoyt he’s dead matt Smith he’s dead Terry L Shortridge he’s dead people oh Kevin Lundy he’s dead he moved right across the street from us in Chehalis across the street from Bonnie and then he ended up dead in Port Angeles WA did the cops put a hit on Kevin Lundy because I’m telling you every person that I was getting close to or was friends with me was getting killed so now I feel that my brother in law Ernie may be the next victim and I have told Ernie Absolutely what’s going on and what I felt so this won’t be no surprise to him and I wouldn’t want to hurt Ernie’s feelings by right and something but friends save friends’ lives friends don’t turn their heads because it’s their family members that’s killing people there is no family member not one even if it was my own son I would go after him for what he’s done because I’d never raised him to do that type of thing but apparently my sister and her brothers and sisters have done that very thing because of Marietta and George L Wright and be enforced to comply by the law officers that are dirty in Washington state. I’m supposed to be scared to write stuff down I’m supposed to be scared to come forward and if he continues to point in that truck like it’s a weapon towards me well he’s going to find his **** in jail behind bars and who’s done this he’s done it to himself because They don’t know when to stop Kevin Baker’s own words to me was his dad told me he was the wind no matter what even if it’s wrong and I told Kevin Baker no your dad your dad told you something that wasn’t true Kevin people are not to force other people to comply it’s against the law and you could end up in jail in prison for the very things that Rick Rife has been accused of well it was Jerry L Wright all along the detective in Lewis County the story about Jerry Wright but Jerry Wright and Bruce Kimsey are just two dirty people together and why well They killed Jerry Moore they are prominent attorney of Lewis County and they also killed Rhonda Reynolds because Rhonda Reynolds was putting it putting it together the Lewis County Rhonda Reynolds The state patrol she was at my house prior to being murdered over a road rage incidents from my attorney’s office James L Rowland and James L Roland’s office is shaped exactly like the shape of the bowl and alley in Morton WA James Rowland got his start right there James L Rowland and Jerry L Wright knows each other jerry L Wright came to me out tell asked saying things about my attorney my brother Jim said things about my attorney how do these guys even though I have Jim Rowland as an attorney because Marietta my mother she lived in that house she’d go right up and she’d look through my stuff when when I would leave the house I caught Marietta Ransacking my house and going through my property just like I’ve caught Kevin Baker ram sacking the his own sister’s boyfriend’s piece of property their thieves there are compulsive theft matter of fact I was run in the bowling alley in Chehalis WA my nephew Kevin Baker comes down there he leaves the bowling alley he goes next door and he rips off the store and he gets caught he comes running up to me says I’ve done something stupid apparently he’s stealing the guy from Fuller’s comes up to me because Kevin’s there and I said hey is there something I could do about this can I just pay a $100 fee for you know him doing this he says I already called the cops and then all of a sudden Tracy Baker’s there this is my brother I’ll take care of this hey I don’t want a scene I don’t want a 3 reading circus between this family these weirdos and they keep doing it all the time hey you know what why are they even coming to the place of my employment and harassing me my sister Patty comes to the bowling alley and you know what she wants a job so I try to get her a job there put her on Trier for the night you know I’ll put you on the money in the tail disappeared all of the money in the till disappeared I had to tell my sister patty you have to leave I didn’t call the cops and get a great big three ring circus involved and that’s exactly what they wanted what I did was I had to replace the money or I would have been blamed for theft within the bowling alley from my employer Herb Kreitzer.

  5. June 11th 2023 I’m here today because well my family likes to lean on me they won’t act like they’re not doing something they have the mentality of a Hogan’s heroes type of a family doing a reverse rerun on the TV Show you know they’re acting out like Hoken’s heroes making fools out of every one around me and then they harass people when they start calling them on it or they’ll say you know what there’s a problem with you what’s going on they’re bringing the attention on to themselves why I witnessed a murder in 1975 and all of my family members has been forced to comply and they seem to believe that they’ll be thrown into prison if they don’t keep this under wraps because this is about the DB Cooper stunt $200,000 being stolen but the same guy that did that was also the Zodiac killer and that was my dad George L Wright and it started right there in Port Angeles WA with this family but George got a bigger story then them all see George spin on the run since he was a child because he was a chicken thief and he was on the run he ran up into Canada and he came back down and he ended up over there in Camas Washington you see this started up in Idaho and there’s a road that goes up and comes right back down into Washington and George was on the run they left bullet holes in his car my dad told me this story the cops did my dad outran elm my dad ditched him and then when he came back down into the United States he headed right down there into the Columbia Gorge area and ended up in Camas and he met my grandfather my step grandfather My step grandfather was gay he was a switch hitter my grandma picked him because well he won’t cheat with women he’ll go with men see her first husband was a gambler and he was also a cheat he had sleep with other women and his name was Henry Dunn you see I only knew Grappa Nelson as my grandfather for years and then I hear about Henry Dunn my mother hates Henry Dunn my mother told me all about her hatred towards her dad my mother hates men she hates men she’s told me never grow up john and never become a man she hates men and she instilled that right on to her children her hatred overflowed on to her own children in Port Angeles Washington and you know why because Marietta caused her own brother’s death in 1947 and that’s the time when George Wright came into that aerial over there so maybe George and Marietta knew each other all the way back then because Georgians up go into North Korea after this and then he comes back and he comes back to Hank Nelson and you know they want to say that they met each other in the hospital when he came back from north from Korea you know he was there he was a jumper he’s wearing black boots the only way that you get those boots those flight boots is if you’re a jumper for the army in that situation And I have a photo of my dad wearing those black army boots between the time that he was in the army and North Korea South Korea when they found out he was underage and he got sent home But as soon as George turned 18 again he went right back there because he was dirty and also he may have found employment and there’s also men there you know and my dad he was a switch hitter and so is Jerry L Wright you see they went hand in hand together George and Jerry did you know Jerry he’s named after my mother’s dead brother and that was to control my grandmother because Marietta stole her child from her and then there is a whole bunch of money and that was the issue too they still they kill for what insurance money isn’t that interesting because they got that insurance money and they bought that farm right there 15619 NE brush Prairie WA next to the transponder the aerial transponder and they bought that property from Henry Nelson family, so I wonder what’s really going on you see when my grandfather or when Hank Nelson passed away my dad came to his funeral he did my dad looked at nobody he looked at me but he just like a machine I watched how my dad conducted himself and now well there’s that money at Tina Bar tina Barr what’s that tina Barr is where they found $5800 you see 58 adds up to 1313 letters is the zodiac killer okay now here’s the connection those old people that was murdered in 1985 the Merlin’s they were taken to the bank and $8500 was stolen 13 letters the zodiac you see why is $5800 found at Tina’s bar was$5800 from the old people’s house it’s the same number the numbers are just trance furred round the zodiac does that But there’s the connection right there with that$8500 some people the cops would say why did they pick this house why did they pick that house Well it was definitely over money And it was also you know to silence people they don’t care who you are you see Jerry Wright was in Washington state during the time he went from Elko Nevada to Washington state with Janet noise Janet noise was Jerry’s wife Janet Wright well you know what they murdered those old people and you know what Jerry Wright did when Janet ran from Jerry Wright jerry Wright was put in jail because she put him in jail for assault when Jerry Wright got out jerry took me and my brother Jim to that house where they were at next to the wastewater treatment plant who are trash belongs that’s where Jerry would play with himself right next to trash and then what he did was I witnessed him and so did Jim go through the house ripping off all of her shirt pockets why would Jerry be ripping off this woman’s shirt pockets it’s a threat he’s threatening her what’s the threat about hey she knows that Jerry Wright’s dad and Jerry’s the zodiac and so is Marietta they’ve got this bond together but Jerry said on her a message right there in front of me and Jim and I’m not supposed to understand it but I’m sure Jim does so Jerry’s ripping off all these shirt pockets off every one of her shirts ripping elm you know at leaving them hanging ripping em off you know why is Jerry doing this Paul L Stein CA you see Paul L Stein got his shirt pocket ripped off and sent to the news agency you see Jerry did that the rip there pocket off the sand her a message if you say anything I’ll kill you matter of fact Jerry had lunch with my wife he told me come back and told me I had lunch with your wife you know what I thought big deal I slept with yours they set me up to have sex with his wife Sammy L Frost you see Jerry married a woman that has L in her name why because he’s the zodiac he did the same exact thing as his dad did he married a woman with an L in her name now does rose his current wife Rose Vetter have a L in her name well I wouldn’t doubt it I don’t know for sure navy all taken interest in researching Rose Vetter and see if she has the L in the middle of her name I always think of things like this as I’m doing things so I will be looking at that one but again it’s around the L like Terry L Shortridge George L Wright Marietta L Done Isabel L Dunn or or it’s Isabel L Madison because my grandmother was a Madison and Madison’s and Barlow and Bailey’s circus married that’s right they’re uh they’re a bunch of circus performers it’s a three ring circus and my mom always used to call them the flying rights why is she called the fly in right is it because the right invented the airplane or is it because They pulled off the deep super stunt and they got away with it and they’ve been murdering people ever since write down to the bowling alley in Morton WA and now there’s a saw on the front of it that proves everything that I’m saying is true if it wasn’t true there would not be a saw on the front end of that building there would be a bowling pan and it’d say family bowling in a family town and that’s what America was supposed to be but they put that bowling alley next to the cemetery where the trash goes you see if you say anything in Lewis County you’ll end up in that cemetery or one of the cemeteries that’s there but that you know what they’re doing is exactly threats over and over how about pulled pork hey man pulled pork next to the cemetery wow now that’s something that makes me just want a mouth watering hungry man I want some of that pulled smoked pork so I could sit next to the mortuary and look out and go well my dad’s headstones over there but he was at buried in the cemetery because my family ripped off his body the ashes out of the earned and they put him up above the town of Morton matter of fact I’m the one that took him to the location to put my dad in the spot it’s right there next to Mike’s TV Fairhearts you see I put that right there next to their antenna because that the Fairharts was behind the situation with that Bowling Alley I had George Fairhart a boy that was my age in my class jumping up in front of me saying now your dad is our slave they enslave people in Louis County and it’s connected to the Fair Hearts it’s connected to the cops that are running that town George Farhart’s been in Grace County over there there’s people been missing over there George Ferhart has also been and Puyallup were the current owner of the bowling alleys from Aunt Angela Dorset tried to make a run to me to beat her husband to me you know he wouldn’t let her talk he’s telling me that she’s crazy don’t believe a word that she’s saying this is no more than entrapment in Morton WA it started right there in Port Angeles WA and also that guy John Dorset put this picture on the front of the bowling alley that says victory lanes oh boy that caught my attention victim Terry Lance and then they put the bowling lane with a short ridge it says Terry Lance’s Shortridge right on the front of that bowl and alley threatening everybody and now since I came forward and I started putting the 37 foot motorhome together that I bought from my nephew Kevin Baker I got permission from the family to buy it and everything because I didn’t want to do anything wrong cause I know how they are and then I started painting that I put a bowl and alley on the front end on this building on my motorhome here and it’s right here at 6647 Delphi Rd Olympia WA right in plain sight and the cops bid parking across the street and now they puckered up and they put now a saw on the front end of that bowling alley in Wharton WA you see how dirty they are I mean if I do this they do that isn’t this fun and Mr. Kimsey Bruce Kimsey he’s running around putting pitchers up all over himself he’s all over the place in Lewis County not going away he’s a detective that’s been harassing people Bruce Kimsey is behind the Jerry Moore murder along with James L Roland James, L Roland and them they had an attorney’s office together in in Centralia Washington with Jerry Moore and Bruce Kimsey was on the case screwed up the crime scene and ran into the army just to come back just in time to screw up the Rhonda Reynolds case it’s an inside job and Jerry Barry the detective in Lewis County paid the price because they went after Jerry Barry to discredit Jerry Berry because Jerry Berry was due in his job and Kempsey was doing everything that he could do to ruin the case because Kim’s he’s filthy dirty along with Jerry L Wright along with George L Wright along with Marietta L Wright and they forced James L Wright to murder Terry L Shortridge on my bed in my bedroom in Morton WA and now the owner of that property is Jim Kaiser Jim Kaiser worked at the Napa Auto Parts and he’s still at the Napa Auto Parts collecting names I’m sure there is a woman that lived upstairs Lisa that’s Morton Jane Doe Lisa came and had dinner at my dad’s house because my dad and Patty was next door waiting for me to get home from work Lisa was next door my dad wanted me to come have dinner I said that I have a girlfriend next door I’ll have pat you go get her the ad says they met Lisa, “Lisa” ends up dead and she’s been placed her body’s placed right next door the Bob and Carol Whitlow bob and Carol Whitlow in 1975 lived next door to me were Jim Kaiser lives now that house that’s right there bob Whitlow’s it’s like a scarecrow it’s a trailer house sitting there what happened their force and Bob Bob and Carol Whitlow to comply Kevin Lundy was murdered he’s dead he was living right across the street from my house look if you say Something they will kill you what is it these guys have been doing it for a long time they placed Lisa body that they call Morton Jane Doe right next to Bob and Carol’s house up there on the hill over Morton Bob and Carrollton was the outside of Morton they did not want neighbors to live next door to them again that you know what happened they placed that body right next to Bob and Carol’s house like if you say something we’ll kill you and then matter of fact on the opposite side of the road if Shane Inglesby’s place Shane Eaglesby died early and my brother Jerry said I was at Jarrett at I went to Shane Eaglesby’s funeral why would Jerry L Wright be at Shane’s funeral Shane Inglesby punched Jerry in the face a few times at the school from what I understand I seen Jerry’s bloody face and they did this when that DB Cooper stunt happened this is when Jerry got punched out by Shane Inglesby and in retaliation later on Shane Eagles begets in a wreck being ran right to his house he almost landed his car at his house trying to get away and I looked at that and I looked at the situation that time and I said well it looks like Shane Inglesby was being chased by some 1 and he wrecked his car right there maybe somebody caused him to wreck his car right there as he’s being chased but right there cherry right should not have been at chain eaglesby’s funeral Jerry Wright is a very seductive person, Jane Doe of Morton it’s related right there to the bowling alley in Morton WA they’ve put a saw on the front end of that bowling alley that says if you tell anybody we’ll cut in half from what I understand this woman Lisa was found with their hands and feet cut off and Well I realized that it was Lisa was after they did the upgraded photo of her and that woman is the woman that lived upstairs at the Napa Auto Parts store above were Jim Kaiser Works Jim Kaiser owns that piece of property where Terry Shortridge was murdered I’m just stating the facts I’m not saying that Jim Kaiser’s killed anybody but I’m just saying look at right there Jim Kaiser was also driving a blue car a blue El Camino when I was a kid I don’t know blue cars seem to have a problem like the blue meanie the zodiac killers talked about the Blue Meanie the Blue Means the Democrat Party he’s not afraid of the gas chamber he owned a gas station in Port Angeles WA you know what my dad did my dad put a playroom on that house on 5th Street and he built the set he built the right over the septic tank and he did it on purpose because he was sentenced in a message the kids are dirty Marietta was dirty he did that so people would look at that house and that house to day as painted cheer of screen and you know what they have next to it bricks piled on top of a trailer house we’ll smash you if you say anything prior to that house be imprinted green it was painted pig pink and you know what else they did they graveled across the whole driveway to pave it over they will bury you if you say anything and they’re telling that people in Port Angeles WA and another thing looking at that house look at that place the buildings are so close together that these are people had no peace live in there they’re supposed to be a legal space between houses that probably didn’t exist then putting people together in such a way actually causes problems especially if the man is post-traumatic stress disorder from North Korea my mother had my dad so freaked out that he was hyperventilating all the time breathing in a bag having stress disorders from my mother and my mother would sit there and she would laugh she thought it was so nice to put that man through just absolute hell and I witnessed it and if these kids said it didn’t happen and it didn’t exist they just can’t live up to the truth they just can’t live up to what they’ve done and what they’ve become doing it to others just like Marietta had done to their own mothers my mother is nothing more than the evilest woman I ever met and my dad hey he’s been on the run all of his life so when those two met up man it was the perfect storm and there were dirty with the cops in Port Angeles WA I remember a cop’s name is Dawn Frederickson Donald Frederickson so what we have in Port Angeles WA is we’ve got the highway market that’s been burnt down my dad’s gas station was right there where the highway market is it’s gone my dad put blocks around the property there like down at the mill Fiberboard the Fiberboard Mill Inn Antioch CA my dad was transferred there he was killing people throughout California he returned home prior to him returning home I was taken to California 1969 over the 4th of July weekend and I was chased around the parking lot by my brother Jim my brother Jim was chasing me around telling me he is the zodiac killer and he’s going to kill me and prior to that I’m in a cage in Port Angeles WA before I’ve been taken on the strip they put me in a rabbit cage they take me in they take me out of this rabbit cage that was in the dining room and there was a piano right there that my sister would play I would watch my sister’s back she’d play that piano and my aunt Betty was there and there was another woman there I remember and I don’t remember Bonnie looking at me you see they used to call me clarence the cross eyed lion from Daktari the TV Show doctary Daktari it’s an animal reserve situation and Clarets across eyed lion comes in and saves everybody at the end of the day or something and there’s a chimp named Judy and just what my dad married a woman named Judy and he did it on purpose my dad does everything on purpose there’s always something behind it I found out so but there are coal and my brother finger sucker finger sucker and the reason why they’re calling my brother Jim Finger sucker finger suckers because they’re abusing my brother Jim you know my sister Bonnie she said to me out here when I walked over and talked to her at her car she said when I was little kids wasn’t nice to me but the truth was was I witnessed my sister Bonnie and Jerry call Jim Finger Sucker Finger Sucker they were belittling my brother Jim they recall in me Clarence the Cross Eyes Lion and I was in a cage and they were controlling people my brother Jerry was in the Boy Scouts and matter of fact my brother Jerry is gay my brother Jerry is a **** my brother Jerry’s a closet homosexual and I’ve had people called Cherry Jerry and do these homosexual things too jerry’s face in front of me and I never said nothing but you could see it you know you could see what they’re doing and it’s funny to watch them do that to jury I see in Rich Baker do that to Jerry oh Jerry that you see Rich Sharidan Baker there’s a German add right there they were living up there the Mayfield Lake Boys camp I was taken there an almost rounded by Rich Baker this is no more than a control issue of people trying to control others and by the way right there in that yard that Rich Baker lived at his mom lived at there was a sign that said get us out of the United Nations and these people were communists Delmer Yost was a communist hazel was no more than a communist and they’re all redheaded gingers you know how Ginger was on Gilligan’s Island she always felt that she was you know deserved everything she deserved the best she deserved everything well guess what it’s a bunch of gingers.

  6. well today I’m back again this is my third time I’m coming back to this it is 6 11 23 and what started all this again was actually it wasn’t again it’s always a continuous thing is my nephew he comes over and he saras in me constantly so you know I bought this motorhome from him and it was just another way for him to think that he’s going to harass me and he’s been doing it all the way through it matter of fact when I paid for this thing he kept bullying me and he kept for 70 days he actually sabotaged it I talked to Ernie about this you know I mean this is just the ongoing thing that is happening around here so it’s such a problem I have to make an issue of it so anyway it keeps happening over and over and he just reinvents himself you know a little cooling off time we’ll reinvent him hey hey I’m the new Kevin Baker I’m doing improved you know it’s just like what they do I’m the new and improved I’m not II not listen and now this is now as soon as there’s a little cooling off. they come right back after you and that is exactly what they keep doing in all the family members do it like their bunch of Psycho weirdos so say in that you know if Kevin can’t do it he puts his mother up to it he puts his children up to it and he’s harassing and that’s just he’s goanna get his way you know if he screams long enough and loud enough he’s going to get its way you know stick a little red sucker in the boy’s mouth you know these kids are just like that too I witnessed his older brother screaming his head off you know just screaming “Bonnie” says give him that Red Coke give him that can of pop it was a red can of Safeway select I think it was cheapest pop you can get you know there’s in the whole pop just fill it up with water give the kid water and a red can shut up amazing but that’s what it is he just shut him up you just give him what he wants shut up that’s weird so anyway if people act out long enough and weird enough like these Democrats and all these people and stuff They want to give their way you know if they keep harassing you over and over they’ll win it they’ll get their way well I just keep telling them You know people have rights still this is America I believe in the Constitution of the United States and you’re not supposed to be within so many feet of my place and they try to make up any kind of a reason to harass and it is harassing I mean I’m not this is it’s fun to point it out because then they just go hide in their holes where they came from you know like sleazy people because it’s sleazy I mean this morning I get up and my nephew pulls up and he points his truck right at me and he’s just absolutely harassing you know I hold up my hands like I’m sucking on a big pipe you know he’s got a device in his truck that he has to suck on to get it going because he’s been in trouble with the law enforcement and they’re leaning on him they allow him to drive around with the headlight out in the front of his truck not he convinced straight legal and harassed me and they act like a bunch of Shults we’re not doing nothing budget Hogan Heroes and isn’t it fun that I’m sitting here pointing it out and I’m going to point my finger right at them now you know I’ve warned Ernie Tobeck about them but you know what Ernie Tobeck may be living in fear what am I goanna do he’s an old man and Kevin’s been over here threatening Ernie to me threatening my sister Bonnie to me telling me that she’s goanna take secrets to her death no she’s not because I’m goanna point him out right here right now no but he’s going to sit around me threat and my sister for number one and I don’t care where I live nobody has the right to come and threaten me and threatening me by telling me about other people I just don’t give a heck about other people and why are these people even telling me about people that are not here I always tell these people you would not be talking about these people if they wasn’t here why are they deflecting everything else I threw up four or five different stories to make you think well this this this this and it’s them you know my sister Bonnie comes over here I told Kevin he’s not to come here he’s been harassed me every week over and over and over every 3 or 4 days he’s got to do it so now he does exactly what he did before now he sends his mother over here oh yeah barney doesn’t need to be over here sweeping up cleaning up and acting forceful like she was and she does I’ve always been kind and peaceful to my sister Bonnie trying to understand her strange behavior you see the day before yesterday I walked out I seen all my cameras my sister standing in front of my house with a wreck staring into the camera kind of like Kevin actually just exactly like Kevin so I nicely you know go out bonnie knows I could see her in the camera I don’t know how long she’s been there but I finally seen her standing in the camera so I go out and I say to her I rake that up out there and clean that up because well for one it was a mess and I like things clean by the way so I don’t like it when Bonnie creates a mess out front or somebody creates a mess out front so they don’t look at my motorhome because they’d rather have people look at the mess in front of the motorhome instead of the motor home which has the picture of my bowling alley on it theme I have one bowling lane inside it’s actually not a bowling lane but it’s a 7 foot roller ball game so anyway there’s an essence to truth within the Bowling Alley in the yard here so it drives them probably crazy I guess you know and Now that I’ve done this they’ve put us all on the front end of the bowl or bowling alley in Morton Washington and my brother Jerry Wright is holding my sister Debbie Hostage in Lewis County Amro my niece that’s Bonnie’s child see they stole Bonnie’s child from her, gave the child up but Jerry and dad was holding this child overbought his head are Marietta and Jerry was but they are three was to gather in this George was a victim I believe and so was I but George went along with it at the same time George told me he didn’t want kids she wanted to stop having kids and George is telling me this is Marietta that’s been doing this this is the kids this is Jerry Wright this is Marietta and he told me to be easy on Bonnie because Bonnie’s just know what more than a person that’s been entrapped into the situation as well as James Wright so here we’ve got this entity within the family that’s connected to the police force and they’re all dirty hey if I go to the police force they’re not going to help me right and my family these people are going to these people are going to continue to rest until they get what they want till they get the little red sucker in their mouth they murdered my best friend Terry Shortridge on my bed in my bedroom and they’ve all concealed the fact to it and they’re all guilty of going after the witness in that room and that is me and they’ve turned their family members to harass because they’ve been up to no good killing people and stealing and kidnapping with the Lewis County law enforcement aiding their abilities and covering up crimes Bruce Kimsey is a very dirty detective and hey just to prove everything that I’ve say in there’s a saw on the front of the bowling alley my dad’s house in Port Angeles Washington’s now painted green it was painted pink and there’s A there’s another house on that same street my dad built I think my dad was going to move us into that bigger house right there and the house was sold my dad sold that house I know my dad built that house but now that house it has a yellow ribbon around it like it’s a crime scene with somebody sitting in a rocking chair it’s a skeleton they are threatening the neighborhood to keep quiet and they knew George and his kids was dirty living right there in that house and George Wright built the playroom on that house and he put the septic and he built over the septic to bring attention to that place of property because it was dirty and now the sheriffs are painting at Green you see the sheriff’s office is absolutely involved in all this and you know what it’s North Korean smoked pork right there at the Alpine Bowling Alley which is now this now a butcher bowling alley they got a saw right on the front end of the bowling alley to prove what I’m saying now you’d go over to the fairways bowling center they’ve painted that green like sheriff’s office just like the bowling alley just like my dad’s house in Port Angeles WA you know I lost $400,000 and my family was running around causing me troubles during that period of time with that very bowling alley my family has gone around aiding Louis County law enforcement and a rip in people off even their family members and they’ve murdered my friends in the process of silencing people and my brother Jerry made a paddle it was in the Morton School it says silence is Golden that guy has been threatening people all over Louis County all of my life and by the way my ex wife after she had lunch with Jerry started calling my brother the prop what the heck’s the prop it’s a propeller it’s a plain jerry was involved with the DB Cooper Stunt jerry and Wright has been involved in murders throughout Louis County and the law enforcement community has been Harvardian fugitives in Lewis County for a long time matter of fact I could name another person that’s there in Lewis County and he’s married to somebody or he has a child with somebody that I knew her dad and the guy come from Colorado and he’s on the run I think burnt down the People’s house they say and maybe he did but I do know I did recognize the person that was all the run from Colorado I’m trying to think of his name I know I have it but it doesn’t really matter but what they’re doing is they Harvard people in Lewis County and you know what then those people hey man we need a job done they lean on those people to do the job now I’m going to cut this off and I’m going to come back and I’m going to probably talk some more about some other things that’s happened but I’ll tell you what these people have kidnapped people and matter of fact they kidnapped my own son Matthew Thomas Wright Matthew Thomas Wright’s been gone all these years and you know what he got a message to me he’s wearing a green shirt he’s biting his lip and he’s looking into the camera and his own action speaks thousands of words and the letters that he wrote is say in different things that he should be talking about so My own son has brought this attention to me he’s been kidnapped and my brother Jerry and Bruce Kimsey’s behind it aunt Bruce Kimsey has been being an actor on A & E and he is jumping up and down on top of the Lewis County Courthouse looking like Donkey Kong jumping up and down and acting out and it says it says Keep this down keep this down he’s jumping up on top like he’s won something like he’s some kind of a hero or something for Bary in this case of this 1985 Merwin case of the old couple that got murdered by Jerry Wright and James Wright was an accessory to it because James Jerry and Jim was together and I had photos of them here in Washington state that I furnished Bruce Kimsey and the detective and you know what when the law enforcement community came into my house and they robbed me and ran me out of Lewis County with my family’s help they ripped off my diary they deleted it out of my computer they deleted messages from my sister Bonnie to me they stole from me anything that was my dad’s and mine together my dad gave me his knives and those was the knives that he used the one was the knife that he used to kill people in California and he gave it to me and my dad told me that that bowling alley was built on stolen money and my dad told those children on his death bed that he told me the truth and they all looked at me like 0 no George told John what there been up to and now they’re scared that it’s going to come and bite them in the tail and really it’s about time that it did happen to him me I think my sister Bonnie was no more than a hostage than myself and she was abused into acting out the way that she has and it come from Marietta & George and Jerry but then again I have a soft spot for Bonnie but then again in Bonnie’s bedroom in Port Angeles I was poisoned Patty Schuver and Bonnie was together in the bedroom they left me in the bedroom and I was having a stomach attack they gave me something that would bother my stomach and I’ll tell you what then that was this guys got a bleeding ulcer they’re telling the school my mother is and then telling them at school my sister Bonnie she gives me a record player it’s white and it’s red she’s gifting me she’s just shut up take this as a gift and we’re okay it’s like when my dad took me and put me in the camper and I woke up to him playing with my nuts I wasn’t very happy with my dad playing with my nuts and he was acting like he was asleep but he was awake I slept out of the camper and you know my dad the next thing he did was he took me downtown and he bought me a new bicycle To shut my mouth up see they’ll buy you a gift shut up it’s like Christmas just shut up now you can make your own conclusions out of what I’m saying I don’t have to draw the lines I’m just telling the truth.

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    now you better take a look at that first one right up there above and now you better look at the one down here below because this isn’t going to have a happy ending and Walmart you are involved I think that the seeds will go right back to 1970 and there’s going to be trouble with Walmart there’s going to be trouble with twin star credit union in Washington state oh boy this isn’t going to be good this isn’t going to be good at all and there’s a lot of innocent people probably the people that are reading this email are innocent so you better think about that before you go and start burying this because if you bury it You marry it because you’ll be responsible for not acting upon it because this is one of those tips That can make your day.

    Washington: Tube Sock Killings | Unsolved (psu.edu)

    They’re hiding behind children the people that owned the bowling alley are posed in the cemetery and what they’re saying is if you tell anybody they’ll cut elm in half I haven’t seen my son in 10 years I have a sister that’s really my aunt they passed her off as my sister they’ll probably cut her in half too this is about the zodiac killer and North Korea their Selling: North Koreans smoked pork the Cemetery and the mortuary is right there outside the front door of the bowling alley and that’s why that bowling alleys there is to threaten people hey don’t say a word and now it’s obvious they’ll cut you in half they will kill you and what is their motive because they want to damage America they are unamerican and there’s a lot of little unamerican Boy Scouts and the Boy Scouts originated from China.

    Morton Logger’s Jubilee is just around the corner and great diversion for the next Jim Jones massacre because they’re going to pull right in there they think that they could blow up Seattle and Portland right off the map and have a stronghold right there in Morton WA and take on the United States of America hey my dad told me before he died he gave me so many clues like Dave Toshi in San Francisco the detective on the zodiac killer claim case.

    The twin star credit union’s marked the avenue on Market St market with an X like the zodiac killer the 22 with the X on the back of the cartridge right up to Morton WA they removed the Twin Star Credit Union out of Morton WA when I confronted them you better wake out the smell of coffee America’s goanna get nailed do you want to be a part of it do you want to be a hero or a zero they set up those Walmart superstores as what warehouses for this on show or party that’s goanna arrive supplies because it looks like they’ve set up a supply line for these people right up through that territory and my dad talked about territory as the zodiac killer he was trying to tell you guys something he gave me the clues hey I’d tell him you act on it it’s in your best interest that you do north Korea wants to take the United States hey they want to blow America off the map they would rather take it over from within the sheriff’s office throughout Washington states involved you better check it out you better not go to sleep on this one you better wake up to smell the coffee Morton WA The next James Jones massacre hey it’s obvious there’s something bad and there’s something going on twin Star Credit Union Washington state hey look at their locations you don’t have to look into it very far they marked the harbor Wal Mart’s superstore is right there where a ship can pull up smell the coffee George Fahr in Morton WA stood in front of me at saying we own your dad now they’re enslaving people in Morton WA and they’re hiding behind children George Fahar has been in Grace Harbor throughout Eatonville in one big line mapping this out and they’ve got the money to do so oh boy if you guys don’t wake up and smell the coffee on this one your children’s children’s children’s goanna pay for it and you better think about it real good. George Farhart lives in Morton WA he is probably already escaped there are Lebanon family and don’t miss the tip on this one they may have already gone to Lebanon and Jerry L Wright my brother is involved in it so is my attorney James L Roland His office’s 1405 Harrison St Olympia WA and it’s up at Cooper’s point His building is shaped the same shape as the Morton Bowling Alley James Rowland threatened me four $47,000 James Rowland’s office is right next to Plymouth like Plymouth Rock marking the way for North Korea to come in and he’s marking it with the name Mark the letter X Market Street and James Roland got his start in Centralia WA and James Rowland Knows my family and I did not know it James L Roland building sets an opposite of the original Capitol building up on the hill the same distance from the water you see he set that place up and he set this place up a long time ago it’s Boy Scouts of America Bruce Kimsey detective of Louis County Washington been there for 30 years covering up stuff right there you guys need to rest Bruce and by the way Bruce has been on TV with this A & E and he has shown jumping up and down on top of the roof of the Lewis County Courthouse hey trying to keep this down like Donkey Kong threatening people and he’s telling people on YouTube right next to the Twin Star Credit Union commercials he sells real estate in Lewis County he said on a and E he’s goanna be around it’s obvious that Bruce Kimsey is a big part of this and he needs to be locked up at once he sells real estate now and he has a shop right there in Morton WA the real estate company has a shop right there across the street from the motel and that motel the money was stolen from South America yeah where did Wal Mart come from south America twin star credit union twin County Credit Union James L Roland put that together with Jerry Moore that got murdered and they implemented my family members As the person that shot Mr. Moore And James Rowland did that to me in his office while it tried to extort money out of me he found out that I was connected to the bowling alley in Morton you should have seen the look on his face when he put his fingers behind his head and started in on me.

    When you read the mineral tube sock killers you need to read the past writings that’s my diary they broke into my home, and they tried to burn down my mother’s house in the process everything’s documented you can’t screw up by moving on this this is a real thing that’s obviously there is lots of evidence proving the facts.

    There’s a saw on the front of a friendly bowl and alley they painted at gray they’re coming through Grey’s Harbor’ And Victoria Lane Port Angeles WA. my friend was Terry Lance Shortridge he was murdered on my bed in 1975 I built that bowling alley with my dad my dad’s name was George L Wright 13 letters for the Zodiac Killer and there you go, and you have a nice day my dad would say hello and then he’d say good night.

    And that’s called the dungeon below that’s the zodiac killer’s dungeon welcome to Death’s door in Morton WA

  8. What would be the motive of any one putting a bowling alley and that looks like the inside of that Morton Bowling Alley they had nothing cost a lot of money to put it together back in the day where did that money come from hey I’m telling you right now I was being held in a cage in Port Angeles WA there’s a house on 5th Street in Gale’s edition it’s painted sheriff green and across the front of it it’s all graveled over they covered it up my dad built an addition onto that building we called the playroom he built it over the septic tank and my mother paid for that room out of money that she collected in an insurance claim my dad made sure she paid for that and my mother complained that she had to pay for that and she complained that my dad had built that playroom over the septic tank and why would my dad do such thing because he was saying Marietta you’re goanna pay for this my mother Marietta L Wright and Jerry L Wright has been behind lots of crime in the Pacific Northwest and Patricia L Wright my little sister she bears the L in the middle of her name just like my dad and they were all part of it and I believe that Bonnie Jim and myself John have been forced into a position to comply where Bonnie’s children Jim’s children and John’s children will die now isn’t that nice now everybody think of that of a situation go along in our family.

    I was held in a rabbit’s cage in that house in Port Angeles WA during the zodiac killings and then removed into Lewis County Washington while there were setting up the next crime as the DBC Cooper stunt of 1971 11 24 of 1971 I was being held on Division Street right there were Jim Kaiser lives now the next door Bob and Carol Whitlow lived there they left it as is so everybody’d know what will happen to them if they say a word and then my girlfriend or a woman that I was involved with at one time ends up outside of Morton WA next to Bob and Carol Whitlow’s house with her hands and feet cut off now they have a saw on the front of that Bowling Alley my isn’t this interesting why would they have a saw on the front of a bowling alley and paint it gray you must ask yourself what is the motive and why are they selling smoke pork next to the Bowling Alley hey isn’t that nice wouldn’t you like to have some smoked pork why don’t you go outside and look over at the graveyard now how does that spoke pork taste do you smell the pork don’t you understand your pork is being pulled and is that not nice It’s not John Wright very funny now is this not very funny isn’t that funny my dad would just be laughing his **** off right now he’d say yeah John now this this is what I expected out of you oh my boy you see that’s how my dad would have said wow john he did it you did it just try it and I didn’t even break the law to do it i’m just telling you the facts man it’s obvious open your eyes smell the coffee my dad would offer you a free cup of coffee and by the time you left hey he’s going to point out. Obviously my coffee is a lot better than that over there and he had say hello and have a nice day and good night just like you said to the operator in California when he said Good night now isn’t that funny man 0 man would you like an order of pulled pork because it’s pulled pork they pulled pork right there and Martin WA and there pole in it on all of you and they’re saying well we wouldn’t do that well were law enforcement officers for God’s sakes what would you expect out of us a higher a higher degree of oh you could trust us hey just give us your guns we want your ammunition we want your rights but hey You can trust us and that saw on the front of the bowling alley obviously you’ve read that all wrong too that could not be a threat just because it’s next to the mortuary and if you get killed you go right there oh you know that pork can kill you just as fast as that saw on the front of the bowling alley and drink it down with a little of this lemonade oh boy isn’t that nice isn’t that nice ah and by your products at Wal Mart do your banking at Twin * you just get a better deal there right it’s just better here now right you just go down to that bowling alley and say Is it true that this is db Cooper’s bowling alley and ask him is it true that DB Cooper was the zodiac killer and look at the look on their face they’ll look like they’ve got a piece of cat poop in their mouth just look at the expression on their face.

  9. I was born in 1961 prior to my first year in school I was taken to Hurricane Ridge Where I would not fall to my death they took me there so I would fall off of a cliff to my death so they could collect insurance money I was showed insurance policy prior to this from my brother Jim lady Hill I have remorse kind of and he was telling me he was showing me I was with money showed me all the policies they all had money on him through the Prudential Life Insurance Company my dad worked at Fiberboard it’s a paper mill my dad’s dad died I watched him crying on his bed They always go into California soon is leaving they’ll be gone thanksgiving 1968 I went visit to them on 1969 4th of July on the radio after dad got back there was a break it said this Zodiac after attacks of people kill them down with the park Darlene and David, Darlings dead instead David survived but at the time I looked up at the radio and I said dad he’s near us my dad shouting out he’s no one near us all of elm you and my dad was the Zodiac Killer.

    For me and my brother Jim he was running me around that Mobile park saying that he was goanna tell me he was the zodiac killer he was acting out like he was his dad his dad was a hero he looked up to his dad but he was doubtless a criminal too at the same time could you imagine I didn’t know my dad was a kid I’ve been being held in a cage in Washington I’m only taking out when they take me out I called Clarence I’m the cross eyed lion get it I am the X eyed lion I wore glasses I’m stupid I don’t see nothing I don’t hear nothing I don’t know nothing just ask him they’ll tell you all about it.

    They marked me with an x I just realized that as I was doing this you see how that’s how they do it I am so comfortably numb with what they’ve done and when I see it I know why they’re so ashamed that they can’t even face me do you understand they always looked at me like I was the enemy in the room that could put them all away but at the same time my dad looked at me like you’re the only one that could save these people from going to the gas chamber or drinking lemonade at the bad scene of the end of this crime which has come to in the future real soon you know It’s like a George could still be having fun from beyond the crypt you just got to know the guy oh that George.

    Now my dad come back January 3rd 1970 mill actually closed on that very day you know actually it was the last day of 1969 my dad returned home just to mark that you know I’m on a market with an X like my dad does that’s the zodiac way well I learned it just recently and after seeing it for so long kind of like an expert on it now at least I can see the ax my dad taught me but he never taught me to harm people or kill him he told me not to break the law or they will have their meat hooks in me.

    Patty Hearst, the 19-year-old granddaughter of media magnate William Randolph Hearst and a member of one of the richest and most powerful families in the US, is kidnapped and held hostage by a revolutionary group called the Symbionese Liberation Army.

    About this time this is what was going on and I have a sister named Patricia L Wright and really this here patty Hearst was a hero to my sister Patty you know I mean that’s just exactly the influence that Patty Hearst had on my sister Patricia L Wright and my sister Patrick L Wright didn’t need no help with Jerry L Wright as her brother her mother or her dad Or even the influence that she received from her older sister he and under the influence of those characters that surrounded me and my sister Bonnie and my brother Jim and I am saying that for the whole truth The whole truth and nothing that’s the truth there is a division within my family and I think they all know it but for them to confess it is something different it’s hard for people to live up with something that they’ve had to enforce to live with all these years but when people start to talk and they understand that maybe they’re not really guilty of something such as this nature when you’ve been forced to do something and it’s been over a period of such a long time You know maybe we could mediate damages and stop a tragedy from happening before it’s a tragedy that can never be forgotten or repaired don’t I talk with great wisdom yeah my dad taught me this how do you like that George L Wright was he really a bad guy you be the judge.

    I guess my dad was protecting me all along but I did not know he was the zodiac killer and he was forced to do the db. Coopers stunt that got me out of the cage but now it’s goanna be Cynara for those of Morton Washington we better look close at Morton WA that does not look good no no no that does not look good at all Morton Logger’s Jubilee man 0 man just think of that whole pork that is pulled pork they’re advertising why is it called pulled pork because the cops pulled it the cops were forcing up down there Lewis County Washington you know what they’re going to say wow look what those crazy people did?

    And the cops are goanna be sit there and they done it to all those people and they’re goanna say people just can’t be trusted they can’t be trusted with guns they can’t be trusted with this they can’t be trusted with that and you know what these very cops are taking their rights away from them and also if you look at the town of Morton oh Man the mental shop is right next to the police station to the right and the newspapers right to the left who are you goanna go to they’re all connected to the police nation you go to the police station with a problem hey you better go next door and check in with mental health yes you’re not getting out of this one you want to go down hey maybe you should go down to bowling alley and have some smoke pork oh boy don’t that smell good sound good and just look over there at that cemetery and your friends over there he’d give a wonder why they’re dead he’s ever wondered why because it’s pulled pork those people were young and they’ve been killing them and they’ve been having fun they’ve been living at other people’s expenses oh boy isn’t this fun my dad would say jaw you’re killing me oh John you’re killing me you know I need nearby dad we have a good relationship hey when I got home I could make my dad laugh so hard’ cause I was telling the truth and he was reading between the lines I didn’t even know the lines were broad isn’t that funny my dad said you just gotten look at things though a certain way there’s a beauty in everything do you see the beauty in that saw oh boy because if you do see the beauty of that saw You could stop this from all happening because you saw it before it happened and those people may be warned of you of this very thing that’s about ready to happen because they’re showing themselves over in the cemetery but they don’t show themselves at the Bowling Alley isn’t that nice wow Angie Dorset and John Dorset might be telling us something or then again they might be playing this it’s DD Cooper’s bowling alley for all its worth because their criminals.

    Anyway just like my mom and dad was hey man smell the pork go take some pork go taste some pork go ask them hey is this Stevie Cooper’s falling down there let’s say I’m John Wright said yeah that’s George’s boy you know John he built this bowling alley 0 yeah oh yeah I put those pillars in I put those beans in me and a few other people oh boy I was on the team I am the last one a lot to tell the truth isn’t that nice my family members aren’t that can we believe a word there saying man oh man you better smell the pork you better smell the pork that they’re pulling down there Morton WA all the way out there the Grace Harbor Wal Mart’s buildings are super storms man they’re right there all around for the landing party to come and get supplies right there trucks everything man right there and it’s all marked oh boy Twin County Credit unions and Walmart’s oh boy they even have airports next to the Walmart’s isn’t that isn’t that nice so convenient man 0 man and twin star and do your banking here they pulled their back right out of Morton WA why they don’t want to be caught with their hands in the cookie jar when the lemonade comes around.

    O boy isn’t that nice Morton loggers jubilee first week in August this one you may want to watch from home you’ve seen it here you’ve read it here first my name’s John Thomas right I’m just telling the truth I still have all of my rights of First Amendment is the right oh to speech my second light is to bare arms and my arms are only at arms reached I’m just telling you the truth I get my information right off the Internet isn’t that nice I don’t have to go near anyone to get the information that’s all right there in front of you enjoy isn’t that nice tell them down at that bowl around why don’t you explain to me what’s going on here.

    1975 November the Morton Bowling Alley opens up named Alpine Bowl airplanes in the name and now in 2000 and twenty three it’s been remained mill house smokehouse with a saw on the front of it it looks like it’s a saw shop it does not look like no bowling alley what in the world could be going on here my gosh the guy’s name is George L Wright he’s got 13 letters in his name He’s got the children he’s got a son John Thomas Wright that’s 10 years old that helped him build that bowl alley.

    My gosh John Wright was told not to come back to that moment why am the world with these new people john Doorcet said and Angie Dorset no it wasn’t Angie “Angie” she tried to tell me something and John told me here’s your bowling ball get outate here never come back now they’ve got a SAW in the front of that board oh boy and they’ve got a SAW the front of that Bowling Alley and they’re not really advertising it as a bowling alley a place to have a drink And enjoy some old pork like it’s one big joke.

    that’s DB Cooper’s bowling alley and everybody knows that and the big joke on everyone else is there’s nothing you can do about because the cops are behind the whole thing do you want to end up in the cemetery the cops will put you right there the cops in Lewis County are no more than criminals hiding behind a badge and their guns they are strong arming people and forcing them to comply against their will wow to John’s did John Wright say that well he so got he’s so good isn’t that nice i’m George Wright’s son i’m telling the truth.

    Now what is their motive of the big joke is it because they’re anti american is it because they want something terrible to happen in America and it’s been set up to happen by Killer himself the zodiac killer himself set this up the cops set this up in the future and it’s North Korean pulled pork you know now you look in the future and you’re goanna understand what this bowling alley is about this is DB Cooper’s death machine this is the zodiac killer’s death machine this is what it’s all been about to take down America from within, Ta harm America and to open the door for foreign powers to infiltrate into America from the Grey’s Harbor WA through the Morton WA there’s a line draw thanks and Walmart hey you know what’s in Walmart hey it says alert right there WA alert wow they put it right for name it’s zodiac if so the enemy can read it when they come in And furthermore I’m not very happy with my dad over this I just want you to know that I approve him send me forward I don’t approve of what he did in the past maybe he wanted to make amends that’s it yeah I could just imagine how fun my dad is just like “Jerry” Jerry L Wright like Marietta L Wright like James L Roland like Patty L Wright Bruce Kimsey he’s the detective hey how can you trust Bruce Kimsey you know Kim see it’s like we’ll send in Clumsy because you know clumsy will just screw it all up for us but that’s exactly what we want and that’s exactly what Bruce Clumsy does but you know like John Tom ass right you know John Tom Smart Ass is goanna be right just by name alone do you understand now call MC rosa’s right and is that not funny Mr. Bruce Kenzie Clumsy Bruce Kimsey isn’t this fun now juice.

    Well think of it this way well here he got Colombo And there you got Clumsy You see the thing about Bruce Kimsey is you know he’s one of those people that you know ROTC you know that last name he got teased and he got sore about it oh boy you know he went to ROTC and he wanted to be the guy that had power over everyone else and then he got that job as a detective and he decided he was goanna bury every claim he could but he’s just a dirty dirty guy abused little boy punishing everyone else because nobody was there for him and now and now you’re all goanna pay you know that’s how Mr. Rowland is that’s how Jerry Wright is that’s how Marietta was nan and they forced people to do things that they would never have done because they were goanna harm their children in order to get it done.

    And you know what now they would rather have everybody drink lemonade like a Jim Jones massacre because they can’t live up to what they have done isn’t that nice jerry L Ryan abused little boy scout that won the abuse everybody else and you told me yourself you want everyone every child to have to wear a uniform force it on him he told me jerry told me 4 stars Forced on them.

    Back in November 1978, Americans were shocked by newspaper headlines about the deaths of more than 900 people in the South American nation of Guyana, in what appeared to be a combination of mass murder and suicide by poison. The carnage took place at a jungle camp known as Jonestown. Its founder was a charismatic American religious leader, the Rev. Jim Jones, who had led many of the cult followers of his former San Francisco-based Peoples Temple sect there.

    On March 26, 1997, San Diego police followed up on an anonymous tip and entered a home located in one of the city’s wealthy suburban neighborhoods, according to History.com. Officers were greeted by the stench of decomposing bodies. Inside lay the corpses of 39 people – all dressed in identical tracksuits and shoes – who had committed mass suicide, thanks to the teachings of the infamous Heaven’s Gate cult.

    well this just don’t look good in Morton WA i’m goanna post this note and I’ll probably come back you know but hey you know my lawyers involved in this my brother Jerry’s involved in this Bruce Kimsey the detectives involved in this I have family members that’s forced to be involved in this that I do know of him I have been aware of for quite some time I didn’t know what that was I don’t know what the motives was I don’t know why the situation is happening but in light of the things that you see here and above wouldn’t you think it would warrant that bowling alley to be closed down at once wouldn’t it warrant the Morton Logger’s Jubilee to be canceled that thing would be shut down matter of fact doesn’t this warrant Walmart the closest doors in Washington state doesn’t this in world twin star credit union to close its doors just have all the buildings smashed James L Rowland’s office at 1405 Harrison Ave in Olympia WA is the same shape as the Morton Bowling Alley I guarantee you he is involved in all of this and he is not American he wants harm to come to the United States of America they are inviting North Korea in they’re selling whole pork in that bowl of it the people are in the cemetery next door what else of a motive could it need look at the situation. and as for my attorney’s office at 1405 Harrison the side street is Plymouth like Plymouth Rock, we’re like the Mayflower k and landed out America.

    t’s right there at 1405 Harrison St Olympia WA and he’s even got his name still on that building even though he’s abandoned to market so you’ll know that it was him and James L Roland if he’s arrested just tell him his oldest client john Thomas Wright took you down hello Jimmy I finally figured you out I figured them all out you know what there’s no glory in everybody come and clean and there’s no glory in everybody being blown off the face of the Earth either or drinking lemonade that are in Morton WA.

  10. This is DB Cooper’s bowling center look at the beams stare and you write in the eye this is the Zodiac Killer’s dungeon look at the walls beware you’re in the danger zone and have a nice day my name’s John Wright and that was my dad’s bowling alley George L Wright 13 letters for the Zodiac Killer right there and tell him Johnny sent ya, try that smoke pork that smoked pulled pork and the mortuaries right next door so if you get sick you won’t have to go far and we’re going to take your car isn’t that funny get the idea pulled pork the cops are behind it and you’re in front of it look at the saw on the front end of it and you saw it here first this is North Korean pulled pork George Wright came from North Korea Not a happy camper from war. The Morton logger’s Jubilee is round the corner hey free lemonade you drink it and have a piece of smoke pork with it and it is Sayonara for you 0 how do you do this is an eminent warning about an imminent threat

  11. Thanks for your post.
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