Support Emmanuel’s Surgery

While everyone is out vacationing, pursuing internship or volunteer opportunities, or working hard at summer jobs, Penn State’s chapter of Medical Brigades has been hard at work with their patient referral case. The Global Brigades council and Medical Brigades leaders would like to take this time to call for your support in helping Emmanuel’s case.

To give you some background, Emmanuel was a patient seen during Medical Brigades’ trip in the winter to Ghana. He has a serious tumor  that has compromised his vision and facial function. We are currently raising funds to support the cost of his corrective surgery.

You can donate to Emmanuel’s cause here:
And please share this link with families and friends who may be able to donate. Stick it on your facebook profiles!
On behalf of Emmanuel, Penn State GMB, and Global Brigades as a whole, I thank you for your support.

Much love, and enjoy the rest of your summer!
Your GB Campus Chairperson,

Emmanuel-MensahEmmanuel Mensah, January 2013