Previous Winners

Fall 2018 | Spring 2019

1st Place: Victoria Kotwica – Auckland, New Zealand: “Somehow the trail takes me exactly where I need to be. This time, it was at the top of the Pinnacles with strangers, sharing laughs and golden memories”.
2nd Place: Casey Lieberman – Cape Town, South Africa:  “Always representing Penn State, even 8,000 miles away in South Africa! In this photo I am above the clouds, 669m high, on top of Lion’s Head Mountain in Cape Town.  WE ARE!”
3rd Place: Jason Waterfield- Sydney, Australia: “Just a dude sliding down a dune”.




Summer 2018

1st Place: Daniel Kats – HESE Kenya: “A picture is worth a thousand words”


2nd Place: Ellie Alberti – EDSGN 397 Singapore: “Penn State takes the Marina Bay!”
3rd Place: Joshua Leonard – Lima Peru: “A woman in traditional dress”.


Fall 2017 | Spring 2018

1st Place: Michaella Caruso- Nairobi, Kenya: “Kenya not judge me for falling in love with Africa?”
2nd Place: Stefany Baron- “Eiffel Tower, Paris, France”
3rd Place: Logan Schuler – Amsterdam, Netherlands: “Rent a bike to truly see Amsterdam”


Summer 2017

1st Place: Anthony Gonzalez – Ronda, Spain: Spanish Language and Culture “This is a photo of me and some friends standing underneath the famous Puente Bridge in Ronda, Spain”
2nd Place: Divya Kuthoore –– EDSGN 297 Navarra, Spain San Sebastian, Spain- La Playa Zurriola. “Riding some waves after class on La Playa Zurriola”
3rd Place: Marion Brosko – INSA Lyon- European Perspectives in Engineering & Innovation Mount Blanc, Chamonix, France (The Alps). “This is the highest point in all of Europe. We walked into a glass box hanging over the side of the mountain.”

Fall 2016 | Spring 2017

1st Place: Michael Hellman – University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Spring 2017 “We Are…Down Under!”
2nd Place: Kristen Meihofer- ENGR 496 Embedded Course in Senegal. Spring 2017 “Kristen Meihofer with the little boy looking at monkey’s on our Safari trip in Dakar, Senegal.”
3rd Place: Gabrielle Omatick – Galway, Ireland Spring 2017 “Showing my support for THON while in Belfast at Giant’s Causeway”














Summer 2016

1st Place: Samuel Boland- Study Abroad, Ireland. “Here he is representing Penn State!”
2nd Place: Emma Clement- Moringa Research program in Kigali, Rwanda. “While taking the leap and going international to Rwanda, the research team had to go hike up the mountains and see the wild mountain gorillas. In this photo, Emma T Clement and Dr. Stephanie Velegol are pictured with their tour guide for the hike.”
3rd Place: Rachel Diamond- Study Abroad experience in Melbourne, Australia. “Feeding some more kangaroos (even an albino one!) at Maru’s Conservation.”












Fall 2015 | Spring 2016

1st Place: Jordan Smith helping out some friends. “Never skip leg day” Program: Pathway Fellows/Machu Picchu, Peru
2nd Place: Brian Roda taking some time to visit Portugal. “Feeling on top of the world in this one of a kind view that stretches for miles” Program: University College Dublin
3rd Place: Kelly Hensler, making some new friends at Python Temple, the birthplace of voodoo. Program: ENGR 496 Independent Studies Baobab Initiative Embedded Program to Cotonou, Benin