Leonarda Cianciulli

For my final passion blog post, I will be discussing Leonarda Cianciulli.

Leonarda Cianciulli was born on April 18, 1894, in Montella, Italy. She had a rough childhood. Cianciulli attempted suicide twice before the age of 18. In 1917, she married a man named Raffaele Pansardi. Leonarda was very superstitious and thought that her mother put a curse on her because she did not approve of the marriage. During her marriage, she got pregnant 17 times. Of these 17 pregnancies, 10 of the children died at young ages, 3 others were miscarriages, and she had 4 surviving children. In 1927, she was put in prison for fraud and upon her release, she and her family moved to Lacedonia, Italy. In 1930, the Irpinia Earthquake happened. This was one of the most destructive earthquakes in history and so many people lost their homes. Cianciulli was one of these people. 

Her story was surrounded by “unluckiness.” Between her mother’s “curse,” her home being destroyed, and the loss of her children, Leonarda quickly realized how bad her life was. Since she was so superstitious, she decided to visit a fortune-teller. This fortune told her, “In your right hand I see prison, In your left, I see a criminal asylum.” Leonarda Cianciulli suffered from clinical depression. However, in the 1930s, there was no therapy or medicines to help, so she resorted to paranoia and superstitions. 

All of these moments in her life led up to the moment when her eldest son announced that he wanted to enlist in the Italian Army. After the loss of most of her children, she became a very protective mother. She would do anything to keep him safe. In her eyes, the only thing that she thought would keep him safe was human sacrifice. No one knows where she got these ideas from, but she murdered three women and turned their remains into soaps and teacakes.

Her first victim was a woman named Faustina Setti. Setti was a spinster who was led into Cianciulli’s house by saying that she had found a husband for Setti. She told Setti to write letters to her family and friends saying that she would be traveling out of the country to visit the man. Setti was drugged and then murdered with an ax. She cut up Setti’s body and shared how she made crunchy teacakes in her statement to the police. She fed these cakes to women who visited, and she and her son also ate them. She had a second victim named Francesca Soavi, who had the same fate as Setti. Her third victim, however, was her last. Virginia Cacioppo was a famous singer in Milan. Cianciulli said she would hire her to work with an impresario in Florence. They met in 1940 when Cianciulli killed her just like her previous two victims. However, instead of just making her into teacakes, she melted down her flesh and turned it into soap. Cacioppo’s sister-in-law saw her enter Cianciullli’s home the night she disappeared, so she immediately reported it to the police. 

She eventually confessed to all three of the murders. Her trial only lasted a few days, and she was sentenced to 33 years in prison, plus another 3 in a criminal asylum. Leonarda Cianciulli died on October 15, 1970, in the criminal asylum at age 79.





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