About Us

Byron is a senior majoring in Horticultural Science at Penn State with a minor in Biology. After graduation he plans to pursue a graduate degree in a plant science related field.  He is undecided as for his career goals at the moment. He enjoys traveling and would like to visit as many countries as he can afford to.

See his LinkedIn profile here: www.linkedin.com/pub/byron-bredael/90/64a/878

Sean is a senior majoring in Horticultural Science at Penn State. He is interested in plant breeding and genetics and plans on completing a PhD. He would like to focus on plant breeding with a specialty in improving crop efficiency for utilization in developing nations. He enjoys basketball, movies, and everything about his hometown Chicago.

See his LinkedIn profile here: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/sean-fitzsimmons/48/63/a1a

Laura is a sophomore majoring in Molecular Biology at Penn State with a minor in Plant Pathology. She intends to go on to a PhD in Plant Breeding and Genetics. She grew up in central Pennsylvania and has always enjoyed gardening, walking in the fields and forests near her home, and going to Ag Progress Days (she has been every year since she was a toddler).  She worked on an organic herb farm and participated in a local CSA while in high school. She currently works in a corn and sorghum genetics laboratory at Penn State.

See her LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=301239927&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile

Grace is a senior majoring in Horticultural Science at Penn State with minors in Biology, International Agriculture, and French.  She is interested in the application of plant science to world hunger and nutrition issues. She is also passionate about domestic food issues such as accessibility and affordability.  She plans to get her PhD and create a career blending agricultural development and translational plant science but really she has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up. She loves chocolate, yoga, binge-watching Netflix, and pretends to like jogging.

See her LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/grace-garbini/25/bb6/436

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