
Select Group Talks, Seminars and Conferences

  1. Special Relativity, An Introduction, Talk by V. Gopalan, May 4, 2024.
  2. Magnetism=Electrostatics+Special Relativity, Talk by V. Gopalan, April 8, 2024.
  3. Charge in an EM Field from Covariant Electrodynamics, Talk by V. Gopalan, June 1, 2024.
  4. Spin Groups, a group meeting talk by Suguru Yoshida, Jan 15, 2024. Slides
  5. Altermagnetism, A group meeting talk by Jadupati Nag, Dec 18th, 2023.
  6. Pushing KTaO3 into Ferroelectricity, a group meeting talk by Sankalpa Hazra,  Dec 19, 2022.
  7. Raman spectroscopy, a group meeting talk by Hugo Wang, October 31, 2022
  8. Symmetry in the Universe, a talk by V. Gopalan and M. Bojowald at Vodoo Brewery, Lemont, PA; Organized by the Science, Policy and Society. July 6, 2022. (The recording is not great, but turn up the volume and imagine an outdoors ambience with spirits in hand, and it might work!)
  9. Polar Twists and Tumbles in Ferroelectric Supertextures,  a talk by V. Gopalan in Ferroelectures, November 2021.
  10. Optical Creation of a Supercrystal with Nanoscale Periodicity, a talk by V. Gopalan during the 2021 APS March meeting. Link here.
  11. Celebrating Women Scientists, March 2021, MatSE @Penn State. Part 1 is here.   Part 2 is here.  Talk on Emmy Noether starts at 48 minutes, 40 seconds in part 2.
  12. Sub-picosecond Optical Control of Magnetism in a Quantum Material, a talk by H. Padmanabhan, link here.
  13. Anisotropic Linear Optical Dielectric Functions and Resonances in Weyl Semimetals, TaAs and NbAs, a talk by R. Zu in 2021 APS March meeting. link here.
  14. Interplay among Lattice, Spin, and Electron in a Strongly Correlated Polar Metal, a talk by H. Wang during 2021 APS March meeting. link here.
  15. Celebrating African American Scientists,  MatSE department, February, 2021. link here.
  16. Symmetry of motion: An overview of Distortion Reversal Symmetry, A talk by V. Gopalan based on work done with Brian K. VanLeeuwen, D. B. Litvin, J. Munro, H. Padmanabhan, V. Liu and I. Dabo.  links here and here.
  17. How to draw a Kolam? A Puzzle Method, A talk by V. Gopalan. YouTube link is here; The relevant publications are here and here.
  18. Antisymmetry: Fundamentals and Applications, A zoom talk by V. Gopalan at the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute on Sept. 17, 2020.  Youtube link here;  the relevant publications are here , here and here.