Something REEEAAALLLLLLYYY Weird for Halloween

  Halloween; for most a source of fond childhood memories of dressing up and spooking siblings or getting metric tons of sweets that should last a normal human an entire year, but somehow disappears in a week; for others a night of thrilling scares at the movies or in fun houses. For me it’s a […]

For the Good of All

A year or so ago I came across a band called We Lost the Sea whilst scrolling through recommended videos on YouTube. The name had me interested, so I started exploring their music. The first thing I found was an album titled Departure Songs. I decided to give it a listen and was immediately enraptured in […]

Of Gods and Wombats

Fairly recently, I came across a relatively unknown webcomic written by Ursula Vernon called Digger. I was instantly charmed by the wit of her writing and the fascinating creatures which reside within the world of the comic. It follows the titular Digger; a wombat who ends up completely lost and far away from home in […]


This is a blog dedicated to finding interesting films, music, novels, or anything else I may come across from any art medium which has not seemed to garner some deserved mainstream attention.