htaccess Fix

Since Penn State just rolled out its Word Press service, I thought I experiment with font embedding with SIL webfont kits I uploaded into one of my directories on another server. The good news is that it works, but I had to adjust my .htacess file to allow Firefox to process the files.

The code that worked for me was:

<FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff)$">
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

Thanks Stack Overflow and the Sites Team for their help.

Correction – Not on Firefox for Mac

I thought it was working on Firefox for Mac, but something broke. Oy. It is OK on Firefox for PC.

Google Fonts not Just English

I was also happy to find that the Google Fonts options have expanded to Greek, Cyrillic and extended Latin. Just click the Script to filter for the appropriate fonts. There are some choices if you don’t want to mess with your .htaccess file.

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