March 19

Exigence and Rhetorical Situation

Concerning exigence,  if I understand it correctly, the need to get rid of political parties was expressed by George Washington, in the midst of them being created. While it isn’t really plausible to do this at a national level, at a more local level, part of this idea could be carried out with the allowance of candidates not identifying as a certain party in a local election. This would hopefully push voters to do more research on who they are voting for, rather than blindly vote for whoever was running in their party. This coupled with a mandatory education experience about what the parties are and what their values are. This is important because it affects every person and voters don’t always do their research because they don’t know how. We were never really taught about our politics, and how the system worked. I learned about it in the 8th grade sure, but do I really remember anything from that? Nope. So I think there is a demand for this education and push to do research before you vote, even if it isn’t publicly recognized.

As for the rhetorical situation, my audience would in general be the public because it affects everyone. Also, I would target candidates for the local elections. This policy could potentially help them- as it has in the past as Jessica said in her comment on my original proposal. For the education program, the audience for that would be high school seniors, who would take a class in their school, right around the time they turn 18 because this age has the most kairos, as it is the age where you can vote and politics suddenly do concern them more because they have a say now. There isn’t much kairos for the policy in general right now, other than it being an election year, however this policy wouldn’t affect the Presidency elections. It could however drum up enough support at this time because people are focused on elections more because of the election of the President.

Posted March 19, 2020 by Grace in category Uncategorized

4 thoughts on “Exigence and Rhetorical Situation

  1. Jack Howard

    I like the idea of having mandatory civics curriculum. Schools can integrate it however they want, either in homeroom (I didn’t have that but I went to an unregulated catholic school) or in a history or English class. Many of my teachers take it upon themselves to teach basic government principles when it shouldn’t be their job.

  2. mpp5596

    I think your issue brief actually has a lot of Kairos with it. It’s the year we elect our president! As well as numerous other officials in both the Senate and the House of Reps.! There is almost no better time to be advocating for voting reform.

  3. Delaney Greczyn

    I know that you’re steering away from a national level and more towards local elections, but another major part of the rhetorical situation would definitely be the upcoming presidential election. Even if the election still goes through a two-party system, it would be wise of voters to actually put research into who they’re voting for.

  4. tjf32

    You’re totally right about Washington expressing his dislike of political parties: just look at his presidential farewell speech and you’ll find it.

    I would be careful though, as most 18 year olds aren’t going to want to sit through a civics class, and teachers might have other ideas too. Maybe a class before voter registration would be better?

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