April 20

E-Portfolio Platform

For my e-portfolio, I’ve decided to use Wix. After reviewing the three different platforms and the two readings on Weebly vs. Wix and Weebly vs. WordPress, it seems that Wix is the easiest to use and has the most room for creativity. These are the two most important aspects, I never really learned how to use WordPress over the last year so I knew I didn’t want to use it for this project. I knew it would either be Wix or Weebly and not being a very tech savvy person, beginner friendly is an aspect I value highly. Wix offers the easiest learning curve based on the reviews and also allows for the most creativity, allowing for over five hundred templates, including a blank one to start from scratch from. I like designing and making things look aesthetically pleasing so this was also important to me. 

As for my audience, I’m not sure what exactly I want to do with my life yet and I’m not applying to any internships yet so I don’t want to cater to that kind of audience because it could be anything in the next year that could require any number of different aesthetics that would be appropriate. I was looking over my work this year and I feel like I’m so all over the place, I don’t know what to pick and how to pick a theme. My best work varies across subjects that don’t particularly mash well. I know I want to include my This I Believe, something about THON because I’m the Family Relations Chair for my club, I like my advocacy project on mass incarceration, I could do something on my global experience in Peru, I like my StoryMap project that I made in Spanish (it’s in Spanish), and I have blogs on a partnership experience I had with an English learner as a second language that would be cool. I also really like the work I did in my Sex and Evolution class but I didn’t write a paper, I only have answers to questions I had for homework so I don’t think I could really include that. If you have any ideas about how I could make these all go together, let me know.


April 8

Advocacy Ideas/ Photographer as Witness: A Portrait of Abuse

For my ideas for the advocacy project, I was thinking about doing a presentation for my family. I think considering the circumstances we are in, it’s the perfect thing to do an advocacy project for, therefore it would be the 4-5 minute recorded live speech to my family members. I think it will also entertain them a little as they are bored too. I was thinking about doing an advocacy presentation on the safety precautions they should take. I was also thinking about continuing with my issue brief idea and making an infographic advocating for more/better civic education. 

For the “Photographer as Witness: A Portrait of Abuse”, I do think it is a piece of advocacy. I think it was begun with the intention to advocate for released prisoners but became about domestic abuse. In one of the captions for one of the photos the woman who was abused said “I want her to know that no one deserves to be treated like that.” This is also a message to the people who are reading it even if the photographer meant for the photo series to be about a released inmate. However, I’m not sure that it’s ethical. I don’t know if I truly understand the rules for this type of thing being ethical. We don’t know if consent was received from the parties involved for this story to be released. If consent was granted by the victim of the abuse, then I think it could be considered ethical because the woman gave permission for her story to be shared. But if the woman did not give her consent to the story being released, then it is not ethical. Because it is not the photographer’s story and therefore not her story to tell without permission.