What Will Stop Kids From Vaping?

On September 13, 2018, the New York Times published the article “F.D.A, Alarmed By Teenage Use, Targets Vaping: Response to ‘Epidemic'” and explained that the F.D.A has given the makers of nicotine vapes 60 days to prove that they can keep their products away from minors.

According to F.D.A. reports, over 2 million middle and high school students were regular users of e-cigarettes last year. Although e-cigarettes may have less toxic chemicals to breathe in compared to normal cigarettes, they also have higher levels of nicotine. Minors are now developing nicotine addictions at an alarming rate, and this has negative effects on the developing adolescent brain.

This is definitely negative coverage for the producers of these products. In order to help their public image, I think it would be beneficial for the top e-cigarette manufacturers to publicly come together and create an initiative to stop this from occurring. I think they need to apologize for their irresponsibility thus far and ensure the public that they will work together to promote safer consumption habits.

If a single press release came out with these promises from the top e-cigarette companies, I believe it can spark much more positive coverage. They should address the fact that although they make the products, it is also up to the discretion of individual store owners whether or not they are going to sell the product to minors. That being said, I think the e-cigarette companies should still claim responsibility and offer a viable solution. One possible idea could be for these companies to revoke sale privileges of these products from distributors that don’t follow the law.

These companies can also invite middle and high schools to join their initiative in stopping under-age consumption of e-cigarettes. They can create campaign posters and infographics to distribute to schools nation-wide, discouraging the use of these products.

4 thoughts on “What Will Stop Kids From Vaping?

  1. I did mine on the same thing! I think it’s crazy how kids are smoking and have nicotine addictions now who would’ve never considered cigarettes in the first place. I think it’s interesting that the F.D.A. is finally stepping in.

  2. I agree with you that this is negative coverage for vaping, because it surely makes current users somewhat alarmed that the FDA is concerned with their products. I also think that you are right with having the vape companies come out with a press release would eliminate a lot of negative press. This is an awesome write-up!

  3. Grace,

    I was shocked to learn how many middle and high school students are using e-cigarettes. Especially since it is not that much better than smoking a regular cigarette. It is very alarming to learn this and I hope we see change in the near future.

  4. Grace,

    I like that your post is about something that so many people can relate to. I personally have three younger brothers, one of which is in his first year of high school. Over his three years in middle school I would hear nonstop about all of his friends who were vaping. I think it’s incredibly dangerous for minors and am surprised the government has waited this long to do something about it.

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