Colleges Should Promote a Sexual Consent App

On September 27. 2018, USA Today published an article describing the possibility of people using a sexual consent app in order to prevent high rates of sexual misconduct. These apps would require a sort of e-signature from both parties consenting to mutually agree upon sexual activity.

The article covered both the pro’s and possible con’s of using an app like this, and it seemed like the audience is overall unsure of this technique. However, the article tries to expand upon the audience’s questions. For example, when consenting, the app would clearly say “although I am currently consenting, at any time I wish I may ask to stop, and my partner must stop instantly.

Although this may still be questionable when it comes to people being intoxicated, I think this could be a good first step in limiting false accusations of assault and creating positive communication among sexual partners.

I think college students would be the perfect audience for promoting these kinds of apps. I think these companies could benefit from partnering with universities around the country. Schools typically have programs that promote safe sex and healthy relationships, and these apps could partner with these groups nationwide. These groups can create advertisements and infographics to promote these apps around campus.


I’ve seen many apps use “brand ambassadors” around college campuses, and consent apps can use this technique as well. Students can walk around handing out informational cards or flyers for fellow students.

7 thoughts on “Colleges Should Promote a Sexual Consent App

  1. I think this is a great idea for colleges to use on campus to decrease the amount sexual assault cases. The “brand ambassadors” around campus would be beneficial to get the word out about the app, especially here at Penn State.

  2. This is such a neat concept, especially with everything happening with the supreme court nomination. I am worried that brand ambassadors do not do enough for get the world out. Yes this is a big deal on college campus’s but it is also a big deal in the real world. How else would you suggest getting the word out.

  3. Grace,

    Anything that helps solve the problem of sexual violence is great in my opinion. However, it could get a bit tricky with apps and consent. I agree with you and definitely think college students would be a great target market for this app because of the age group and campus atmosphere. Overall a very interesting subject that more PR professionals should look into.

  4. This is such an interesting concept and idea. Although there may definitely be kinks and issues that need to be worked out, I think it is such a positive thing that people care enough about this issue to design an app like this and that people are working for a better way to ensure safe sex and provide clear proof for sexual assault cases or help to prevent them. College campuses are the perfect place to test this app out.

  5. I think this is a great idea, but unfortunately I feel like the problem with consent is that it’s often situational or contextual. Sexual misconduct often occurs after a night out filled with drinking, and people probably aren’t thinking about their phones/ the app as much. Regardless, the idea of spreading the awareness about sexual consent and healthy sexual practices is amazing, and I love the direction this app is headed with its message.

  6. It’s sad that our society needs something like this, but it’s certainly a possible solution since we can’t seem to get it right. You’re right – this app isn’t 100% effective if people are intoxicated. However, the idea of the app partnering with groups at schools is a great way to meet an audience where they are. An organization was giving out free condoms on campus two weeks ago and they and similar organizations would certainly be a good organization for this app’s PR people to work with.

  7. I found this article really interesting. It’s a bit sad that this is what our society has to do now, but I think it’s a good idea. I agree that it will be difficult for the app to be completely effective since most users will probably be drunk while using it. This could be a really effective tool for a company like Tinder, so partnering with them might be a good idea.

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