About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Grace Cuffel and I am a senior at Penn State majoring in Public Relations and Sociology.

I entered Penn State with aspirations to eventually work in the pop culture industry. Being from the Los Angeles area, this was always a huge influence in my life – but attending Penn State has shaped me in ways I never thought possible. Living across the country has exposed me to completely new people, views, and experiences that I am endlessly thankful for.

College has challenged me to uncover my true priorities and passions. I have always had a love for people, and my two majors definitely reflect this. I love meeting and learning about new people; the differences among us all fascinate me! Although I am no longer entirely sure what life after college has in store for me, I do know that I want to help people, and I want to live a happy and authentic life. I would love to be able to create a forum or community for college students to talk about and work through the anxieties that come with being in our 20s. Although college has been amazing, it has also been extremely difficult for many reasons that I wasn’t expecting, and I would love to share my experiences as well as learn from others.

When I am not in class, I am working as a lead teaching coordinator for an environmental science course and as a sociology research assistant studying the relationship between church and state at the local government level. In my free time, I enjoy working out, meditating, petting dogs, and eating Chipotle. And if I could be anywhere in the world right now, I’d be climbing rock formations at Joshua Tree National Park.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you!

All the best,


Email: gqc5173@psu.edu


Check out this video to learn a bit more about me!