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GRAE09 keynote Deborah Smith-Shank

GRAE09 Graduate Student Presentation Overview


Judy Burton, Sharif Bey, Ryan Patton, MinSoo Kim, Min Jung Lee, Jessica Kirker at Karen Keifer-Boyd's home for the Saturday night culminating event of GRAE.
Judy Burton, Sharif Bey, Ryan Patton, MinSoo Kim, Min Jung Lee, Jessica Kirker at Karen Keifer-Boyd’s home for the Saturday night culminating event of GRAE.

Penn State Art Education Program: A Visual Historical Overview
The looped presentation was on the monitors in the reception area where we gathered for breaks and lunch between GRAE panels, and engaged in lively conversations.

On Penn State Art Education Archives & Victor Lowenfeld by Ann Holt and Mary Ann Stankiewicz, 2009

Graduate Students in Art Education 2009

Danielle Leveston, Myoung Sun Sohn, Lindsay Hentzel, Judy Burton
Danielle Leveston, Myoung Sun Sohn, Lindsay Hentzel, Judy Burton