GRID’s Member Vina Rahimian (PhD Arch) will offer a Workshop at the next ECAADE-SIGRADI 2019 Conference in Porto, Portugal

Vina Rahimian (Ph.D. Arch) will give a workshop at the next ECAADE-SIGRADI 2019 Conference to be held in Porto, Portugal at the School of Architecture – University of Porto. Here we copy a brief from the conference website: W7 – Generative design workflows with Project Refinery and Dynamo (powered by Autodesk) (participants: min-10 max-15) Varvara […]

Writing Style Tips by Michael Nowak

Hello, Rebecca Henn passed along this article and book to help me in developing my thesis writing style.  She emphasized that there were some stylistic things within them that could be helpful in articulating my arguments.  The Anteby article has nothing to do with architecture, but the use of words is what she wanted me […]

Writing Literature Reviews

Hello, Did you have issues trying to figure it out how to start your literature review? I suggest checking this article that offers a systematic way of writing a literature review. It is very practical and can be complemented with other more narrative strategies. I hope you find it useful. Click here to go to the […]

GRID 2019 Symposium – March 20-21, 2019

Dear friends, For the GRID 2019 Symposium we will have to honor of receiving Prof. Mine Ozkar from the School of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University – she is currently a visiting scholar at the School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University, Prof. Ulrike Passe from the College of Design at Iowa State University, and Prof. Alexander J. Felson from […]

Invitation: CityMaker Workshop

This 5-day workshop discusses the use of ‘City Information Modeling’ (CIM) tools and their application for navigating through big data in urban areas. CIM tools are used in this workshop to identify strategic potentials in State College urban tissue. Participants will learn about cutting-edge tools for urban simulation and how to interpret output data. To […]

Invitation: Colloquium Session this Week!

Eduardo Castro e Costa, Postdoctoral Scholar at the SCDC and GRID member, will be participating in the Ph.D. Colloquium Fall 2018 Sessions giving a lecture about his current research. The research focuses on the effects of immersive technologies in different design activities, from creating and editing 3D models using existing CAD tools such as Rinho to design review […]