Christopher Griffin’s Home Page


Christopher Griffin (griffinch “at” psu “dot” edu)

I am a Research Professor at Penn State. A word cloud of my recent research appears above. If you want a paper that is not on ArXiv, send me a note, and I’ll get it to you. You may also use ResearchGate. My current publication list is here.

Yes, I did write a book with World Scientific (see photo above). Applied Graph Theory is available for anyone who likes to buy books. My second book, Game Theory Explained, will be out in February 2025.



In Spring 2025, I will be teaching Electricity and Magnetism: Physics 400, MTWF, 105 Osmond Lab, 3:35PM -4:25PM.
I know, it’s quite the freaky Friday moment, I usually teach math.
Lecture notes will be available via Canvas during the semester and then for everyone in May.

Policy on Recommendations

Except in unusual circumstances, I will not write a recommendation for you unless you have done independent research or taken an independent study with me. Otherwise, the recommendations end up looking too generic.