Ben Zobrist

Perhaps our biggest fault as a generation is docking our judgement of others through the anchor of appearance. Despite the popularity and praise seen on social media, to the hundreds of thousands cheering them on during game day, often times our beloved athletes’ inherit a hidden story that we would have never imagined to be true. A story so personal, so hurtful, so distracting that it rips their heart away from their game and into a chamber of hopelessness. We tend to praise our role models when they seem to be on the highest of peaks, but like any other person, the valleys are what propelled them there. I strive to uncover these valleys to inspire whoever it may be, and help them realize that our identity isn’t what we are good at, it’s what we overcome.

Zobrist celebrates World Series clinching hit.

When searching for a representation of this notion, look no further than one of my own role models and the Chicago Cub’s second baseman, Ben Zobrist. A religious and small town kid from Eureka, Illinois who was deemed to be anything but a professional athlete because of his once 5 foot 5 inch, 112 pound body. After his last high school game, Zobrist, like most typical high school athletes, believed that he would never pick up a

Ben Zobrist, ex-wife Julianna, and their kids.

baseball again. Thanks to his high school coach who encouraged him to attend a college scouting session, he received a full scholarship to play at a small christian school in upstate Illinois named Olivet Nazarene University. Fast forward over a decade later, Ben Zobrist is deemed a legend. A back to back World Series Champion and the 2016 World Series MVP which ended the Cub’s 108 drought of being crowned on top. Being from a family enriched in Cubby blue, I must say watching his game 7 hit to win the World Series was one of the best moments of my life. Crazy? Maybe, but that’s how I grew up. Despite seeing him on top of the world in those moments, his life took a turn for the worst. In early May 2019, he filed for divorce with his wife Julianna for “inappropriate marital conduct.” Ever since the news broke out, Zobrist has not appeared in a game, for he is doing what’s best to repair his life. We often overlook that these players have a heart too. Ben Zobrist was blessed; however, he was not at peace, and what more can you respect than someone strong enough to heal their mental wounds. Julianna seemed to be his soulmate as she sang the National Anthem numerous times before Cub’s games and showed her support for Ben on social media. The rumor mill is turning that he is almost ready to make his return as he prepares in the minor leagues.

I couldn’t imagine. As I’m sure we could all relate, we are most empty when disaster wounds our love. It would be a true sign of character to see him back out on the field. Trust me, his return will be appreciated because his drive is more for the city of Chicago and his teammates than it is for himself. As they say, a major setback will bring a major comeback.

Yes you may be sitting there thinking… “me too, as ordinary person I have setbacks that have extended far worse than these athletes.” Well you’re right, we all have our downfalls, some worse than others, but they are problems nonetheless. However, you’re wrong in saying you are ordinary. Conquering hardships isn’t about just waiting for time to pass, it’s a passageway into seeing your strongest sense of character.

So if I speak to you, I challenge you to embrace that story, share it, because whether you may see it or not, someone needs to hear it. This idea of sharing out your setbacks ignites a fire in me because it’s how I overcame my own. I just listened to others and believed that sharing those difficulties isn’t a cry for pity, yet a call for overcoming. We must set our sails in a direction to welcome adversity because that’s the only way to reach calmer tides. Remember, everyone has there story, and stories help you grow as a person. You never know who you can learn something from.


Update: On September 3rd, Ben Zobrist made his return to the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field. Not only did his return provide fans a sense of relief, it provided them a message beyond baseball. When Zobrist stepped up to the plate, his Ex-Wife’s song was playing in the background per his request. At first glance I was scratching my head too. Why would you play your wife’s song who apparently ruined your marriage. Well, knowing Ben he isn’t about the norm. Today we see a lot of people who can’t be at peace with relationships that didn’t work out. That relationship, that teacher, that petty friend. It’s easy to look for the negatives and let our anger cure the toxic wounds which drains your energy. But Ben’s way shows that every failure doesn’t turn dark on it’s own, it our reaction. Darkness doesn’t drive out darkness, light must do that. He was the bigger person, and what a message showing his kids that he still supports their mom.

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