Tommy Pham

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Tommy Pham, Tampa Bay Ray’s center fielder.

There will be points in your life where you you look back and question, what really got me here? When we receive that leadership role, complete that thesis, and are given that diploma, we won’t be able to help ourselves but to think back to what got us there. Sure that speech you gave in English 137H was probably impressive, even more so, escaping that “weed out” class. You’ll be soon to find out that those grades and leadership roles don’t define you, heartbreak does.

Let me introduce to you Tommy Pham.

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Tommy Pham’s emotional interview after a Game 4 win

The Tampa Bay Ray’s center fielder who just last week propelled his underdog team to a winner take all game against the best team in baseball, the Houston Astros. His team wasn’t supposed to even make the playoffs, yet alone make it to the second round. Being underdogs may be an understatement. Four of the Astros highest paid players made more money than the entire Tampa Bay Ray’s team made up of 25 players. Maybe that’s why Tommy Pham thrived, because he himself is filled with the blood of an underdog. After leading the team to a win that positioned the Ray’s one game away from the ALCS, Tommy Pham was asked in a post game interview who he wanted to thank that helped him get to that point. His response?


Baseball is often seen a seen as a sport exemplifying a father-son bond, especially during the Little League days. For Pham, it was quite the opposite. Growing up he was never able to see his dad. He had to throw the ball up to himself. He had to play catch with with himself. His mother worked so hard to make ends meet that she couldn’t attend any of his games. His biggest fans were his neighbors and other parents. After seemingly being stuck in the minor leagues, Pham came to a point where he pondered the idea of quitting. His supporters didn’t let him. They told him that if he could survive his rough childhood, he could survive the long wait of being called up to the majors.  A few months later, Pham received the call to fill in for two injured players on the St. Louis Cardinals. He thrived. With a .320 batting average, the Tampa Rays offered him a $4.1 million contract.

Tommy Pham at camp
Pham shares his story with kids at summer camp

He is more than just a great player. Pham offers free clinics to young baseball players in Las Vegas to help them develop their talents as well as their character. Pham has a gift of being a great hitter, but even more so having the gift of being a great person. He shares what made him so strong today with young players in order to build their character.

We are often told to be humble to show our appreciation; however, never let yourself dilute your own pride when overcoming odds. When you accomplish your next feat, don’t forget to give yourself some love. So, do what Tommy had tattoo’d on his arm, “believe in yourself, be your own  champion.”

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