Tyrann Mathieu

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Tyrann Mathieu, Kansas City Chief’s Safety


We have all been asked the question, “If you were an animal what would you be?” If right now you could be called an animal that would be known more than your actual name, what would you pick?

How about a honey badger?

It is one of the fiercest animals on the plant despite its size, happens to be the nickname of one of the most beloved NFL defensive backs in the NFL, Tyrann Mathieu. A current defensive player for the recently Super Bowl crowned Kansas City Chiefs. The attention of the Chief’s is centered towards Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid which shades the talent of Tyrann Mathieu. Last Sunday he shined on the biggest stage, his hard hitting tackles and his fearless patrol was attention grabbing. Like each one of us, every honey badger has a story, and Tyrann’s began in New Orleans.

They say in order to be strong, we must face adversity with an attitude of optimism and strength. If only if it were that easy. On Tyrann’s right leg there are 22 tattooed crosses, one each for a live that he has lost in his inner circle growing up.

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Tyrann Mathieu’s Tattooed Crosses


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