This I Believe Draft

Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. Words most children associate with family. But what if a family doesn’t have just a mother, father, and their children? On the verge of adolescence, I struggled to piece together the ways of the world. After all, how much does a nine-year-old really know about the world? Sitting in the noisy […]

Blog Topics

Passion Blog Because of my love for Disney’s Hercules and deep interest in ancient gods, my passion blog topic for this semester will be mythology. Every blog post will have an overview of a god or goddess from a variety of cultural mythologies (Greek/Roman, Egyptian, Norse, etc). via GIFER Civic Issues Blog My civic issue […]

So Many Ideas

As the new semester rolls in, I am considering another theme for my Passion Blog: mythology. Each week I would research one god or goddess and type up a summary about them. Ever since I was a young kid I’ve loved mythology, especially ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology (this may or may not be one […]