So Many Ideas

As the new semester rolls in, I am considering another theme for my Passion Blog: mythology. Each week I would research one god or goddess and type up a summary about them. Ever since I was a young kid I’ve loved mythology, especially ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology (this may or may not be one of the reasons I’m a Classics major). However, I still enjoy my theme from last semester in which I would watch a “classic” movie each week and reflect on it. It was fun using the movies as a way to relax but still get an assignment done at the same time. Please comment on which one you’d be more interested in reading since I’m too indecisive to make up my own mind!

For my Civic Issues blog, I think it would be interesting to dive into the regulations regarding building on historical sites and their conservation. A few years ago in my hometown, a developer began to demolish some old building along the Carlisle Pike. Well, in the middle of this old building’s demolition, the developer learned it was the James Bell Tavern and the alleged birthplace of the U.S. Bill of Rights. I think it would be interesting to delve deeper into the regulations surrounding historical lands and the development of modern society. The issue with this topic is I’m not sure if it really is a civic issue for the masses, but I think it’s important for us to preserve our history and learn from it. Perhaps the topic could fit under the sustainability category or under politics as it deals with government policy.

If you’d like to learn more about the demolition mistake, you can read about it here. Currently, the building no longer stands, and there is a historic marker where it once stood.

James Bell Tavern
 James Bell Tavern

Another idea for my Civic Issues blog would be access to higher education. Considering obtaining a higher education is becoming more and more expensive, it makes me wonder how much of the American population can really afford it. Also, I would address the root of the issue through educational disadvantages in lower levels of education.

As for my “This I Believe” podcast, I’m having a more difficult time thinking of topics. However, I managed to think of at least two. One thing I greatly believe in is that no one should be shamed for going to therapy. When I began going to therapy in my freshman year of high school, I felt embarrassed to tell my friends about it. I was really struggling with some big life changes, but somehow I was still ashamed for seeking help with my emotions? It didn’t make sense. Nowadays, I believe therapy is more widely accepted, but there are still remnants of social taboos surrounding therapy and seeking professional help

One more possible topic for my podcast is that I believe there is no longer a “normal” expectation of what a family should look like. In elementary school, I came to a harsh realization that there were no other kids I knew that were raised by their grandparents or had divorced parents. I grew to believe that it was normal for children to grow up with parents who loved each other and stayed married, but when I entered high school, I realized this was so far from the truth. Some of my peers had divorced parents, single parents, lived with their grandparents, etc. Even legal documents began to include the term “guardian” alongside “parent”. Though it’s difficult for me to talk about my family, I think this topic would make for a great personal podcast.

4 thoughts on “So Many Ideas

  1. I really love the idea of the Greek mythology blog…learning about gods and goddesses is something I find interesting also and you will never really run out of topics for that one! I also really like your second idea for the This I Believe podcast, you have a very unique story and I think when something is super personal to you you can executive it better since your more passionate about that particular subject.

  2. I absolutely love the idea of doing mythology as your passion blog, the inner Percy Jackson kid in me is cheering! I really love every idea you came up with for both your Civic Blog and This I Believe project –– it seems like you are very passionate about the historical sites idea and could make it super interesting! It also seems like you have a more personal/unique story for your second This I Believe idea. No matter which route you go, it seems like you have some great ideas going!

  3. Mythology would be a great topic for your passion blog. It’s unique and brings me back to my elementary days of reading Percy Jackson and watching the movies. I also loved your idea on the regulations of historical sites as my dad is an architect specializing in the restoration of homes and buildings from the 1800’s. For your “This I Beleive” podcast ideas I don’t think you could go wrong with selecting either. These days therapy should be openly talked about without and negative nuances. And for family structure I one hundred percent agree, these days families come in all shapes and forms and the idea of a patriarchal family is extinct.

  4. I like the idea of mythology for your passion blog. I think it’s a very interesting topic. And I think high education cost is a good topic for your civic issue blog. Also, both”therapy” and “normal”family topics sound interesting to talk about for “This I Believe” podcast.

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