I don’t know about you guys, but I am definitely feeling the burnout at this point in the semester and the lack of any multiple day breaks doesn’t help. Anyways….for this week’s blog, I decided to dive into something that I don’t know about outside of what Marvel and its Avengers movies have taught me: […]
Month: March 2021
Issue Brief – Introduction Paragraph
Ending Our Township’s Downfall: Taking A Stand Against the HSS Development of the Hempt Property Agreement On August 3, 2020, the Silver Spring Township Board of Supervisors conducted a virtual town meeting to decide on the fate of the Hempt properly which rests on the highly trafficked Carlise Pike across from the Cumberland Valley High […]
Relocating Historic Property as a Preservation Effort
My last civic issues blog outlined some reasons why we need to preserve historical properties, and it provided some examples of the existing efforts to encourage people to preserve these kinds of properties. Inspired by a recent, local issue, I would like to take a look at how relocation can play a part in preserving historical […]
Issue Brief – Rhetorical Situation, Exigence and Audience
For my issue brief, I am taking advantage of the Cumberland Valley school district’s uncertainty and the fact that the development of the Hempt Property has not begun to bring this to the attention of nearby residents, especially parents of students of Cumberland Valley. As the local school district battles to keep up with its […]
As we are finishing up our deliberation topic on food waste and beginning our issue briefs on environmental issues, this week I’d like to introduce you to the Greek goddess Gaia. Names: Greek – Gaia, Gaea. Roman – Terra, Tellus. Region: Greece / Ancient Mediterranean God of: Gaia is the goddess of the Earth and mother of all […]
Issue Brief – Topic
As you all know, I am passionate about preserving historical property and doing what is right for our community. For my issue brief, I will discuss the development of Hempt Farms in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and how the public needs to address this as a safety issue for our community’s children. Hempt Farms lies across the […]