
I don’t know about you guys, but I am definitely feeling the burnout at this point in the semester and the lack of any multiple day breaks doesn’t help. Anyways….for this week’s blog, I decided to dive into something that I don’t know about outside of what Marvel and its Avengers movies have taught me: […]

Issue Brief – Introduction Paragraph

Ending Our Township’s Downfall: Taking A Stand Against the HSS Development of the Hempt Property Agreement On August 3, 2020, the Silver Spring Township Board of Supervisors conducted a virtual town meeting to decide on the fate of the Hempt properly which rests on the highly trafficked Carlise Pike across from the Cumberland Valley High […]


As we are finishing up our deliberation topic on food waste and beginning our issue briefs on environmental issues, this week I’d like to introduce you to the Greek goddess Gaia. Names: Greek – Gaia, Gaea. Roman – Terra, Tellus. Region: Greece / Ancient Mediterranean God of: Gaia is the goddess of the Earth and mother of all […]

Issue Brief – Topic

As you all know, I am passionate about preserving historical property and doing what is right for our community. For my issue brief, I will discuss the development of Hempt Farms in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and how the public needs to address this as a safety issue for our community’s children. Hempt Farms lies across the […]