For my advocacy project, I intend to advocate for saving what little farmland, specifically the Hempt farm, that is left undeveloped in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Most likely, my advocacy project is going to be a continuation of my issue brief since I intend to focus on the issue of developing the Hempt property and its consequences for the Township’s future safety and environment. Unlike the issue brief, the advocacy project will speak to Mechanicsburg residents directly, especially those who reside in Silver Spring Township and have children who attend the Cumberland Valley School District. Since residents did not have much of a say in the pivotal Board of Supervisor meeting on August 3, 2020, I think it’s important that residents step up and get their voices heard by local government organizations. Also, the decrease in greenspace within Mechanicsburg is overwhelming, and the increase of population and traffic caused by developing greenspace ultimately hurts Mechanicsburg and the local school district.
I question the ethics of Eva O’Leary’s Spitting Image. At 11-14 years old, girls are highly vulnerable and self-conscious, which I understand is part of O’Leary’s message; however, I feel like taking pictures of young girls while they are getting ready for a photoshoot violates their privacy. At this age, children gain autonomy and are able to make some decisions for themselves. I feel like having the parents sign a permission slip was saving the photographer from any lawsuit, but it violated the autonomy of the girls. I am a rather shy and private person, and to me, having someone take pictures of me getting ready without consent would make me deeply upset. I don’t really want to know what I look like in a vulnerable state where I am questioning my confidence and physical appearance all for the sake of art. I feel differently about Lewkowicz’s piece, however. Although she photographed a highly personal event, many women across the world go through abusive situations like Maggie and have no outlet to speak out about it. Lewkowicz gave Maggie, and women who do not have the chance to speak out against their abuser, a voice to advocate against abuse and for the safety of women through her art. Also, while scrolling through her photos, the collection felt more of a piece of advocacy rather than a piece of art.
I think you have a perfect idea for your advocacy project, it just makes perfect sense to target Mechanicsburg residents, because they’re really the ones who can make change. I don’t think it would be very beneficial to target someone say, at Penn State, cause chances are they wouldn’t care too much about a town they may not of heard of. I agree with your analysis of Spitting Image. In general, I feel like its hard to get true permission from children, because they probably never really know want they’re signing up for…
Yess I love the change in target audience! I am so curious what mode you are thinking of doing and how you are going to get everyone interested and involved (especially children)! I agree with both of your thoughts of the different pieces. I understand that things similar to Spitting Image have been done in regards to a variety of things, but I also don’t think I am comfortable with taking pictures of young, easily influenced girls.