About the Author

Welcome aboard! My name is Marisa Halm. I am from a small town near Greensboro, North Carolina, where small business is everyone’s business. Both my parents were successful entrepreneurs and always looking to start something new. As a result, I grew up and saw ingenious business ideas fail and (what I thought were) silly concepts become surprisingly successful. When I started working at my county’s courthouse, new entrepreneurs would constantly visit to ask questions, file paperwork, and learn about available resources. Business was always happening around me.

I am now a third year law student at Pennsylvania State University’s Dickinson Law School. Business law may not be what motivated me to come to law school, but it is definitely something that continuously catches my eye and sparks my imagination. As a result, I have taken  classes related to business entities, tax, company creations, and corporations. I can’t seem to escape my small-business roots and I am more than okay with that! Though I have only recently become interested in business law, I look forward to exploring new waters and sharing my discoveries with you.

Dive in and take a look around!

 I enjoy hearing from you! Feel free to reach out to me at muh494@psu.edu.



Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.