Genz and human rights

The concept of rights is basically what we’re entitled to have or act in a certain way, they are essential normative rules about what we’re allowed to obtain since we were born and possess by virtue of our nature. Because of the migration of millions of people every day, there are so many new cultures and identities emerging from the combination or merging from 2 completely different ideologies/cultures in the world, for example, there are American/Japanese, American/Korean, American/ Italian, etc. And yes, I mentioned American 3 times, because this is one of the most predominant cultures from which other cultures would mix. This is because of the number of opportunities this country will give to someone, better jobs, better wages or salaries, the overall better quality of life. This has caused issues in human rights to arise because many people have different views of what is a right, or whether someone should have a specific right or not.

What is the difference between civil rights and human rights?

Basically is WHY you have them, human rights arise from you existing, and being a human being, while civil rights come from being part of a nation or state. In the US civil rights have the protection of the US government and many state constitutions. For example, they can protect individuals from discrimination, or grant certain kinds of freedom, like freedom of speech. Today, I’m going to base my civic issues entry on this specific kind of freedom and how the media connects with it. 


The new generation of young people usually has a great desire for fighting for human rights, without caring where these people are from because, at the end of the day, all of us are humans. This has caused many rejections and critics to “Gen Z ”, for example,  people often say it’s the “softest” generation. The media created the new label of how 2001 to date generation, was a “crystal generation”, to represent humans as transparent, fragile, informed, and technological. The media is necessary for people to know what is happening in the entire world, it makes people aware of their rights by exposing violations by other humans and focusing attention on the different issues and areas that require the attention of many people in order to improve and protect human rights. It has increasingly illuminated problems regarding the human rights system. At the same time, the media can cause many misunderstandings and create big problems within free speech. The first amendment protects the vast majority of freedom of speech and expression, but it does have limits, whether Americans respect and follow these limits is another story.  The 3 limits are time, place and manner, these apply to all speech regardless of ideologies expressed. Gen Z are known for letting their voices heard, which can be a good thing but also an issue, protests can get violent and dangerous sometimes. Comparing USA with for example Ecuador, venezuela or Colombia, which are developing countries, from my point of view, American protests are more peaceful than Ecuador, Americans will try to get their views to be heard but not in a violent way, im sure there are some exceptions, but for the most part i think they are way more passive than Ecuador’s protests. In Ecuador protests thousands of people get hurt every time, even kids or women. It’s so easy to call for violence when there is too much opposition and can start getting aggressive. However, it’s not always the opposition’s fault, sometimes the media fails to show how the government or state forces or authorities start this violent actions, there were multiple times were an innocent man was killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the media should start addressing this too, Media in american can get bias pretty easily, and it’s hard to get information out of them when its not to their best interest. Ecuador can be the same way, authorities that own some media channels can make them give multiple false statements all the time. 

In conclusion , I think the media is very helpful when it comes to getting to know important information about relevant issues in the world, but we always have to keep in mind how this might not be 100% accurate or complete. There is always another side of the coin, and skepticism is good to keep doing research about serious matters, one is never too informed. Gen Z being called transparent and fragile is actually very accurate, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I think we should be proud of being the generation that stands up for those who can’t. 



Free Speech




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