Struggling with motivation for school

Lately, I have been having a hard time staying motivated for school. Studying has been a struggle. Although spring break was nice, having a week off really set me back. I had stuck to my daily routine for the entire beginning of the semester but not doing work for a week ruined my desire to stick to my routine after returning to Penn State. Additionally, the warmer and sunnier weather makes me want to be outside with my friends, like i dont want to be in the library on a 2:00 pm while i could be outside having fun and enjoying the beautiful weather.



With Thanksgiving break, it was different because we just had 2 more weeks of school after it, but now we had 6 more weeks of school which sucks because all I want to do is hang out with my friends and see my family. I thought I came refreshed and ready to do a lot of work and study hard but it wasn’t the case. My friends also feel the same way so I know It’s not just me feeling drained from school. However, I know I have to keep pushing through and try to finish strong my freshman year. I have a couple midterms left and then finals. I cant wait for finals but I’m also so a little scared of them because i’m actually doing so well on my classes i dont want to drag my grade down for 1 exam, i feel like that is not fair but it is how it is.

In conlusion, I’m having a hard time adjusting with getting back to my normal productive school routine, I know i will get back to normal  eventually but this past 2 weeks I haven’t being doing the most i could, or given my best regarding my classes.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Hana! I can relate to the experience you are going through. The warmer weather especially makes me want to be outside having fun rather than cooped up inside having to do work. Also, as it is spring semester, we are close to the end of our first year of college so burn out is natural to experience. I try to use little events as motivation for myself to do work. For example, if a can go to a formal or spend time with friends on the weekend then that motivates me to get my work done. Especially with finals looming at the end of the semester it pushes me to keep learning and doing work to maintain my grades. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

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