One more month

From my last blog post, it seemed like I was really struggling with everything regarding schoolwork, well, It’s been a week and nothing has changed. The only thing that is keeping me going is that there is only a month left of classes. April is almost here and I can’t wait for summer! At the same time, I feel like being away for 3 months from Penn State is going to hurt, I will miss my friends so much, and in my case, coming from strict parents that won’t let me go out with my friends as much as I do here, is going to be a struggle for me.

Living here and being independent means not having to ask my parents for permission for anything, they’re so far away there’s nothing they can do or say to prohibit different activities like going out to parties, having sleepovers, among other social events. My dad is Asian and my mom is Hispanic, that combination is BAD when I want to ask them for permission to go somewhere, they think of any small detail or a possible way for me to get hurt when out, and I understand their concerns but sometimes it’s exhausting. When I ask my American friends how their parent’s situation is when they go out they all say the same: “My parents don’t care as long as I communicate” I feel like that’s how it should be always but that’s not my situation. I miss my Ecuador friend and I’m hoping I can get to take advantage of the time I’m there to see their ad many times I want, all of us parted different ways and summer is going to be our only time to see each other in like a year. Because of covid, I didn’t see them before leaving for the US and never had a proper goodbye so hopefully, we can all see each other soon.

Anyways, that is one of my main concerns about going back to Ecuador, am I going to be able to endure 3 months of having to ask for permission every single time and most likely them saying no. I feel like being 19 years old is enough for me to gain more freedom from them, at the same time I understand their concerns, Ecuador is a beautiful country but it can get dangerous sometimes, you never know what one could find in the streets and sometimes even if one is coming back safe and sound from the streets, there has been a lot going on lately.


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