Marola is an undergraduate research assistant in the Schreier lab. Marola is currently a third-year student majoring in Biology and minoring in Child Maltreatment and Advocacy Studies. She hopes to go to medical school and work in pediatric neurology. Marola is interested in identifying and reducing disparities, especially within the healthcare and child welfare system. She’s also interested in how adverse experiences affect the brain and bodily systems and what long-term effects they cause. She’s passionate about helping vulnerable communities and finding better methods of intervention, treatment, and prevention of maltreatment. In the Schreier lab, Marola works primarily within The Child Health Study. She assists in preparation of visits, data entry, and performing experiments in a BSL-2 lab facility with whole blood cultures. Outside of the lab, Marola enjoys traveling and going on new adventures with her family and friends.
Undergrad RAs
Jul 16
Maci Fisher
Maci Fisher is a sophomore at the Pennsylvania State University studying Biology. Her research interests include exploring how environmental factors and individual experiences can impact overall biological function and development. Upon completion at Penn State, Maci plans to attend medical school, while staying involved in research, and specialize in a primary care field.