68 ways to cope with stress

  1. Get up 15 minutes earlier
  2. Prepare for the morning the night before
  3. Wear clothing that makes you feel your best
  4. Set appointments ahead of time
  5. Don’t rely on chemical aids
  6. Don’t rely on your memory… Write it down
  7. Practice preventive maintenance
  8. Say “no” more often
  9. Set priorities
  10. Avoid negative people!!!
  11. Use time wisely
  12. Utilize meal times as a mental break
  13. Always make copies/email copy of important papers
  14. Anticipate your needs
  15. Repair anything that doesn’t work properly
  16. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike
  17. Break large tasks into bite size portions
  18. Look at problems as challenges
  19. Change nervousness into excitement
  20. Look at challenges differently
  21. Unclutter your life
  22. Smile
  23. Be prepared for rain
  24. Tickle a baby
  25. Pet a friendly dog
  26. Say something nice to someone
  27. Be aware of the decisions you make
  28. Believe in yourself
  29. Stop saying negative things to yourself 
  30. Visualize yourself succeeding
  31. Set goals
  32. Look at the stars
  33. Go for wall
  34. Practice diaphragm/ slow breathing 
  35. Ask a friend for a hug
  36. Do a brand new thing
  37. Buy yourself a flower
  38. Find support from others
  39. Stop thinking tomorrow will be better and get better today
  40. Ask someone to be your “vent-partner”
  41. Do it today
  42. Work at being cheerful and optimistic
  43. Do everything in moderation
  44. Listen to your body
  45. Strive for excellence not perfection
  46. Practice grace under pressure
  47. Stand up and stretch
  48. Always have a plan “B”
  49. Be responsible for your feelings
  50. Learn to meet your own needs
  51. Become a better listener
  52. Exercise
  53. Clean out your closet
  54. Go on a picnic
  55. Light a candle
  56. Watch a movie and eat popcorn
  57. Write a note to a far away friend
  58. Recognize the importance of unconditional love
  59. Remember that stress is an attitude
  60. Remember you always have options
  61. Have a support network of people, places and things
  62. Quit trying to fix other people
  63. Get enough sleep
  64. Freely praise other people
  65. Relax, take it day by day. You have the rest of your life to live
  66. Look at a work of art
  67. Talk to a distant family member
  68. Listen to mood-enhancing music

You’re going to be okay!


Over the summer I worked out almost every single day. My nutrition was on point, I was eating what I wanted when I wanted. While I was back at home I ate a lot of vegetable soups, fruit smoothies, vegetable smoothies, etc. On August 11th I hit a 204 pound squat! I got one rep in then proceeded to lay on the floor for 10 minutes lol. At the beginning of summer my max was 174#, it increased 30 pounds in 3 months. Next goal… Double body weight squat!


I’ve been doing my working sets with 135#, I try to do 5 sets of 5 or 5 sets of 3 depending on how I’m feeling. Just trying to build up strength.


Yay for strength gainsssss!

Current Workout Split

Hello happy healthy friends!! Here is my basic workout split over the summer, I would generally do 4 days on then 1-2 days rest and then 4 days on, repeat. As I get into a routine at uni I will post my updated split!



Sumo squats with focus on glutes

-warm up set with bar 1×15

-20% effort 1×12

-40% effort 1×10

-60% effort 1×8

-80% effort 3×3

Bulgarian split squats -one leg behind on a bench, squeeze glutes at top. Same weight throughout. 3×12

Glute kickbacks -warmup 1×15 -increase weight, keep constant 3×10

Cable pull throughs SUPERSETTED 3×10 & reverse cable pull throughs 3×10

Straight leg deadlifts 3×10



Lat pull down 3 diff grips (repeat 3 times) -Close grip 1×10 -Medium 1×10 -Wide 1×10

Seated rows (opposite lat pull down) -3×10

Face pulls -2×10 40% effort -1×10 60% effort 1×6 80% effort

Standing single arm rows on cable -3×10 each arm

Bicep curls of every type till exhaustion -no swing, keep wrist facing forward at all times -wide grip on barbell -close grip on barbell -cable machine


(CHEST) AND TRIS *usually do mostly tris*

Cable flys -warmup 1×15 -working 3×10

Incline dumbbell chest press -3×10 increasing weight every set

Skull crushes SUPERSETTED 3×10 & tricep dip 3xFailure

Tricep push down with ball cable -5×10

Overhead tricep extension -5×10

Tricep push down with straight bar on cables-5×10



OHP with barbell -3xFailure

Dumbbell shoulder press, increasing weight each set -1×10 -1×8 -1×6

Arnold press -3×10

Shoulder flys with dumbbells -forwards 3×10 -sideways 3×10

Ab exercises


Enjoy!!! Hope this was of help 🙂