Commentators play a key role in enhancing the televised match day experience, however every time England play i personally don’t enjoy the addition of commentators. This is because every England game you can guarantee two people are going to be presenting Jonny Wilkinson and Sir Clive Woodward. This feels strange as a fan criticising two legends of the game.

Sir Clive Woodward (left) and Jonny Wilkinson (right) hosting match day commentary alongside Brian O’Driscoll (centre)
Sir Clive Woodward is an ex England player and coach. He had his biggest impact coaching the team to a world cup win in 2003. Clive did so much in his time to develop the sport and push it forward into the professional era. I respect Clive so much for how he looked at the game, making changes to develop rugby to what it is today. For example in 2003 it was unheard of for teams to even think about the mental side of the game, never mind inviting psychologists into the training camp and valuing their opinion to the same level as coaches and strength and conditioning team. Clive even convinced the board that the team needed a fresh kit to change into at half time because studies showing players play better when they have a clean kit on to be proud of.
Clive may of done so much for the game by offering an alternative perspective but on a match day all he seems to talk about is how current coach Eddie Jones has made a mistake with the team selection and how he would coach the team differently. The reality is Clive may have won a world cup but his winning record was 71.1% compared to the Eddie who has been the most successful coach with a win rate of 78.3%. The last time Clive was involved in the game was 2005 and since then the game has changed and so has how teams are selected. So yes, his perspective of the game should be heard on game day I just hope he can stop the negativity and criticism of every decision Eddie makes.
Jonny on the other hand is one of the greatest minds in the game always providing an interesting perspective of the tactics of the game and what is happening behind the exciting tries and highlights everyone talks about. He manages to always put a positive spin on whats happening in the game even if England are losing. He’s focussed on the small changes that need to be made to win. The downside of Jonny is his nature of being so regimental and detailed results in him appearing mundane and boring at times. But if he wasn’t like this I’m sure he wouldn’t have been the same player to make that kick that won the world cup.
I agree that to a seasoned fan, commenters can be redundant or even annoying when you would rather focus more closely on the game itself than another person’s interpretation of it. Do you think the commentators are enjoyed by other veteran fans, or is there primary purpose more for the benefit of newer, less knowledgeable viewers?