Using Xilinx, created a CPU in a MIPs assembly language with Instruction Fetch, Instruction Decode, Execution, Memory Access, and Write Back stages designed to pipeline such that a new instruction is entered every cycle to maximize efficiency of the CPU. The CPU is able to thus run instructions such as mathematical operations and memory reading…Continue Reading Five-stage pipelined CPU for Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Transcript Software
Transcript Conversion Software to convert dirty transcript files into reader-friendly scripts. Code is based on transcripts from Penn State’s LARCH 60 lectures, trimming away junk data and compressing the file into a legible document. Github:…Continue Reading Transcript Software
Counter to ASCII
Designed and implemented a circuit that converted binaries 0-7 into an 8-letter word in ASCII. This has the ability to be applied to a digital ASCII-based display, and using a counter could rotate through the letters in the word. …Continue Reading Counter to ASCII
File System Server in Linux
Created a file handling system that is able to combine an array of several small drives into one single drive, and process read and write requests through it, along with managing a custom cache system to speed up request returns. It also has the capability of communicating with a client using the server’s IP address….Continue Reading File System Server in Linux
RC Circuit-based filters
Created low-pass and high-pass frequency filters using resistors and capacitors to process an alternating current source signal…Continue Reading RC Circuit-based filters
2’s Complement Circuitry
Designed a circuit using logic gates that converts a 4 bit input into 2’s complement from -8 to 7….Continue Reading 2’s Complement Circuitry
SQL based Employee Database
An application that allows for the user to manage employees based on hours, departments, salary and commission rates, along with grouping based on departments. Example Photo from JAVA How to Program, Early Objects, 11th Edition, by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel…Continue Reading SQL based Employee Database
Room Scheduling Software
A package of code that schedules rooms in a hypothetical building/school, with the ability to specify class size, time, and duration, all based off of personal account details. Github:…Continue Reading Room Scheduling Software
Replication of Penn State LionPath Courses and Finances System
Created a set of classes in Python to replicate PSU’s course scheduling and financial management system. Included simulating course registration from a catalog, packaging courses into a semester, managing Student Accounts and Staff Accounts from implementation of a Person class, and handling loan and financial payments with such accounts. GitHub:…Continue Reading Replication of Penn State LionPath Courses and Finances System
Basketball Simulator
A quick game to apply probability and gravitational equations along with digital art…Continue Reading Basketball Simulator