
On October 1, 2016, I retired as emeritus associate vice provost for Information Technology Services as well as associate professor of Information Sciences and Technology. I served many roles during my thirty-six years, most recently as associate vice provost for Information Technology Services.From 1998-2010 I was senior director of Teaching and Learning with Technology, a unit of Information Technology Services. TLT focuses on teaching and learning, and we deal not just with labs and classrooms — where learning occurs — but with the many ways in which technology can support learning inside and outside the classroom. On-line courses? hybrids? We have been leaders in all of these forms of learning. Ditto for the development of a high-stakes testing center.

ITS has as extraordinary staff who are dedicated to providing the IT skills and infrastructure required by a modern university. TLT’s annual Symposium on Teaching and Learning with Technology is a showcase of what our faculty and students are doing to improve learning, but many of the other units in ITS have equally valuable conferences for our users.

I was past chair of the CIC’s Learning Technologies Initiative. For many years I chaired Penn State’s e-Education Council, a group that encourages and supports innovative uses of technology in teaching and learning. I played an active role in efforts to re-design high-enrollment, high-impact general education courses; these efforts have been generously supported by grants from the Pew Learning and Technology Program, the Mellon Foundation, the AT&T Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

I have served on the boards of several national or industry groups: the National Information Standards Organization, the National Center for Academic Transformation, the IMS Global Learning Consortium, Adobe, and Blackboard.

I now provide consulting services to other universities and companies in the educational technology sector.