Although this blog was originally intended for ex-athletes, I hope some of you reading this are not. As I continued to write throughout the semester, I began to realize how working out in a new environment, like college, is something that many people have and will struggle with. I want everyone to strive to live a healthy lifestyle, even though it is something that oftentimes is hard to do. From the lack of healthy food options to the overwhelming amount of people at the gym, and even the amount of new responsibilities gained, I was naive to think that being both mentally and physically healthy in college was going to be easy. My journey at Penn State has definitely not been easy so far, but I am finally starting to adjust to it. But enough about me, I want to be able to give a last, influential blog post for you all.
I want to be able to end our time together on a positive note. If you have been a reader thus far, you will see that I like to kind of incorporate a list into my blog posts and I plan on doing that until the very end. This time I want to hit on what I think are the three vital parts of staying healthy; mental, nutritional, and physical. As I only have three weeks left in the semester, I would say I have learned quite a lot about the importance of all these things. It is vital to make sure you are prioritizing all of these things, not just one. So down below, I have given a few small tips to
Mental Health: You should prioritize your mental health over everything. In college first, you are a person, then a student, then anything else in your life. If you need someone to talk to, your college has many resources, take advantage of them!
Nutritional Health: I know everyone has heard of the Freshmen 15, and I did not understand how that could happen so quickly. But once I got here, I could see how easy it could be to fall down that path. In college, you are choosing the amount of food you eat, and a lot of time those options are not the most nutritional. You have to make sure you are getting in every aspect of nutrition like fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein. It may take a little work to find those good in college, but I promise you it is worth it.
Physical health: I’ve talked about a lot of the importance of working out in a previous blog post and that for sure is important. But making sure you are not sick is just as important as well. Taking your vitamins and drinking plenty of water is a way to avoid disease and coughs. If you feel yourself getting sick, try to take medication that would combat it for it is super hard to recover from sickness in college.
Before you all pass on this knowledge to your friends, I want to give a PSA that in no way am I a healthy expert or personal trainer, being healthy is just something I am passionate about. This blog was simply about me passing on knowledge through stories of my successes and failures here in college. Maybe some of my advice did not apply to you and maybe it helped change your life, I truthfully have no idea. I am just honored that you even chose to read my blog and I hope you enjoyed our time together as I did. Until next semester:)