Master of Arts in Communications
The Master of Arts in Communications program seeks to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the communications discipline. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach and is geared for professionals in a variety of fields, including government, private sector, non-profit, and community-based careers. Students in the program will be prepared for leadership positions in such fields as journalism, public relations, advertising, production, and media education, as well as for doctoral study.
Balancing critical theory with practical experience, the program brings together a mix of research and creative production in the classroom. Course work will include media writing, graphic design, advertising strategies, digital media production, photography, and media law and ethics. With an international core faculty, the program integrates national and international views on history, culture, and society, and represents a distinctly global perspective.
Because the program is broad-based and research-oriented, students will work with their academic advisers to develop thesis projects that address critical issues in the field, and to evaluate different media forms for the presentation of their research. The program’s location in the Pennsylvania state capital region and its proximity to major metropolitan areas and prominent public and private institutions present students with opportunities for internships and field experiences that provide valuable context for the development of thesis projects.
Degree Conferred: M.A.
Program requirement for Admission
- A successful undergraduate record with a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Supporting materials
- A personal statement of 500 to 1000 words outlining educational goals and career objectives
- Two letters of reference attesting to the applicant’s suitability for the program, preferably from previous professors or others who are familiar with the applicant’s intellectual/creative work or interests.
- One of the following:
- a writing sample
- short film
- photo essay
- advertisement
- PR campaign sample
- multimedia art
Exceptions may be made for those with special backgrounds or abilities who are committed to advanced interdisciplinary study in communications.
Application Deadline
Note: In addition to the general prerequisites for admission to the Graduate School, the following is required by this degree program:
Semester | Deadline |
Fall | February 15 |
Spring | November 1 |
Students admitted to the Master of Arts in Communications Program at Penn State Harrisburg must complete 36 credits, 21 of which must be at the 500 level in order to be granted the degree. Each student must complete and submit either a master’s project or thesis. The master’s project option (COMMS 580 Master’s Project in Communications, 3-6 credits) consists of a creative production with an accompanying scholarly essay. The thesis option (COMMS 600 Thesis Research or COMMS 610 Thesis Research Off Campus, 6 credits) consists of an original research paper that follows the guidelines established by the Graduate School Thesis Office (see The subject of the master’s project or thesis must be defined in conjunction with a faculty member, and evaluated by a committee of at least two faculty members, supplemented by outside consultants where appropriate. To register for the master’s thesis or project, a student must have completed COMMS 500 and COMMS 503 and must have earned at least 27 credits towards the Master of Arts in Communications.
Transfer of Credits
Transfer credits are limited to 9 equivalent graduate Communications credits with a grade of B or better taken within the last 5 years from an accredited institution. It must be the opinion of the reviewing faculty that these courses are equivalent in quality to those offered at Penn State Harrisburg. Credit will not be given for any course used to complete a previous degree.
Grade-Point Average and Time Limit
A 3.00 grade-point average will be required for successful completion of the degree.
A full-time student can expect to complete the program in four semesters, a part-time student in six or more semesters. All requirements for a master’s degree for the M.A. in Communications (including acceptance of the master’s thesis or project) must be met within eight years of admission to degree status. Extensions may be granted by the Graduate School in appropriate circumstances.
Suggested Academic Plan
The 36-credit program is distributed over two groups of courses:
Prescribed Courses – 21-24
Credits Take a minimum of 9-12 credits from the following:
- COMMS 500 Seminar in Communications and Cultural Theory (3 cr.)
- COMMS 503 Research Methods in Communications (3 cr.)
- COMMS 580 Master’s Project in Communications (3-6 cr.)
- COMMS 600 or 610 Thesis Research (6 cr.)
[COMMS 500 and COMMS 503 to be taken within the first 12 credits after enrollment in the program. Students elect EITHER COMMS 580 or COMMS 600.
A minimum of 12 credits in prescribed courses are required if selecting the thesis option, COMMS 600
Choose 6 credits from ONE of the following:
- COMMS 525 Advanced Writers’ Seminar (3-9 cr.)
- COMMS 568 Media Production Workshop (3-9 cr.)
Choose 6 credits from the following:
- COMMS 519 Communications Technology and Culture in History (3 cr.)
- COMMS 555 Media Discourse Analysis (3 cr.)
- COMMS 560 Seminar in Global Culture and Communications (3 cr.)
Additional Courses – 15 Credits
Take 15 credits in additional courses at the 400- and 500- levels, which can come from either Communications or other fields, including:
American Studies, Business Administration, Community Psychology and Social Change, Criminal Justice, Education, Health Administration, Health Education, Humanities, Information Systems, Management, Marketing, Public Administration, Training and Development.