Protesting Beer?!

Yes…conservatives are currently protesting Bud Light beers following a recent promotion they did with transgender celebrity, Dylan Mulvaney. This current event, with the sexuality issue, is tied into Dylan Mulvaney, written about in a previous post. Dylan Mulvaney is a transgender celebrity who recently promoted Bud Light beer’s current giveaway on her Instagram. The video has sparked controversy. Watching Mulvaney’s video is crucial in understanding the backstory as to why this has sparked a controversy over some beers.


This is very normal and traditional content to post to promote a product, however, the fact that it was a “manly” beer being promoted rubbed the conservative population the wrong way. Mulvaney was sent packs of Bud Light featuring her face as a way to celebrate a milestone in her “365 Days of Girlhood” series. A message is displayed on the top of her custom can “CHEERS TO 365 DAYS OF GIRLHOOD”, which is a very supportive movement, displaying their support for the trans community.

the controversy

This backlash from conservatives has been seen in all forms, with making videos, singers changing the lyrics of songs, and posting nasty comments to Anheuser-Busch the overarching company for many popular beer brands.

In a recent performance by Riley Green, while opening for Luke Combs, this singer changed his lyrics from “and coolers never ran out of cold Bud Light” to “coolers never ran out of cold Coors Light”. This individual most likely felt as if they were taking a major stance against this issue with this, however, Coors Light has also supported the LGBTQIA+ community in recent years which is the ironic part of this lyric switch.


Nashville tn Luke Combs Riley Green said bye to bud light 👀🍺🍺 4/14/23 #budlight #rileygreen #lukecombs

♬ original sound – Beer Me

On all social media platforms, individuals can be seen uploading videos of themselves destroying these Bud Light products, however, these individuals are purchasing these goods before destroying them therefore further supporting this company. It is rather backward as many of them fail to acknowledge the backward nature of their decisions while destroying these goods in a  performative social media post. Additionally, many individuals are switching to other beers to not support Bud Light, which these brands are also manufactured by Anheuser-Busch, once again, unintentionally supporting this overarching company. A video produced by VICE News perfectly describes this controversy and provides concrete examples of these individuals destroying their Bud Light products as a form of protest against this company.


The latest things Republicans are crying “woke” over? Bud Light. Here’s why. #kidrock #budlight #beer #republican

♬ original sound – VICE News

broad picture

There are so many controversies similar to the current situation with Dylan Mulvaney. All of these stem from a lack of acceptance towards the trans community. This is a very real issue and are contributors to the increasing rate of hate crimes toward LGBTQIA+ individuals. These individuals have made such a big deal over the fact their favorite beer companies are being more inclusive, while this has been such a push in recent years. These individuals are stuck on Bud Light currently due to their association with Dylan Mulvaney, however, many beer and alcoholic beverage brands have created pride month promotions to show their support for these individuals. Brands should continue to show their support for these communities as there is increased representation and hate, making it crucial to show this growing community support.

Sources Consulted


Rainbow Flag — GLBT Historical Society

The LGBTQIA+ community is one of the most diverse and inclusive communities in the world. It is a community that is comprised of individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and many other gender identities collectively. This post is designed to take a deeper look into these different identities and how they interact with the rest of the world. Each subdivision of the LGBTQIA+ has a flag to help denote individuals and show their pride for which gender identity they utilize.

LESBIAN File:Lesbian pride flag 2018.svg - Wikimedia Commonslesbian-symbol - Matthew Shepard Foundation

The lesbian gender identity refers to a woman (both biologically or self-identified), who has a significant attraction to members of the same gender and or others who also identify as lesbian.

GAY A Brief History of Our LGBTQIA2-S Pride Flag - Department of Mental Healthgay-male-symbol - Matthew Shepard Foundation

Gay is an adjective referring to those with a physical, emotional, or romantic attraction to people of the same gender. This phrase is typically associated with gay men, however unfortunately in more recent years has grown more frequent in society’s everyday lingo to be used against this community as a whole.

BISEXUAL Bisexual flag - WikipediaFile:Bisexuality symbol (bold, color).svg - Wikipedia

Bisexuality refers to the sexual, emotional, or physical attraction toward both males and or females.

TRANSGENDER Transgender flag - WikipediaFile:Gender sign (bold).svg - Wikimedia Commons

Transgender individuals are those whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. This can include individuals who identify as male, female, or non-binary, among other possibilities.

QUEER 🏳️‍🌈

Queer - Free shapes icons

Queer and often referred to as non-binary individuals are those who do not identify as exclusively male or female. There are many umbrella terms under “queer” with which individuals may choose to identify as. This includes genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, and many others. Non-binary individuals often face many challenges in our current society due to the current organization around the gender binary. Due to this lack of acceptance, these individuals often struggle to find acceptance in the world around them from family, friends, and various communities they engage with.

INTERSEX Intersex flag - WikipediaThe Intersex Symbol

Intersex is another gender identity within this community and it is unfortunately often misunderstood by outsiders. Intersex individuals are born with physical sex characteristics that do not fit typical male or female classifications. Intersex individuals may identify as male, female, or non-binary. Intersex individuals may experience more significant roadblocks in their day-to-day with medical care, self-identity, as well as relationships.

ASEXUAL Asexual (Ace) Pride Flag - Grand Rapids Pride CenterFile:Asexual symbol.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others. This can frequently mean that these individuals have little to no interest in sexual activities with others.

… and sometimes ALLY Flag: Straight Ally | landscape flag | 1.35m² | 14.5sqft | 90x150cm | 3x5ftAlly - Free shapes and symbols icons

An ally is someone who may not use a gender identity outlined in the LGBTQIA+ community, however, these individuals are those who provide support to those who are members of the community. These individuals are supportive of LGBTQIA+ members even when the rest of society is not.


32 LGBTQ Flags and What They Mean 2022 | Pride Month Flags

The + at the end of the LGBTQIA acronym ensures that all identities beyond the ones outlined are included and represented. There are so many gender identities I did not directly touch upon, but these are all extremely valid and deserve a place in that wonderful community.

Regardless of an individual’s gender identity, members of the LGBTQIA+ community face significant challenges in their day-to-day life. These individuals are frequently discriminated against, marginalized, and too often receive violent threats. It is so important for members within this community and allies to stand as one and provide as much support to one another as possible.


This post will be in a slightly different direction than previous posts as this is dealing strictly with some of the forms of discrimination individuals in the LGBTQ+ community face. In this post specifically, I will be focused on the current issue of the TERF war which is referencing the derogatory phrase “trans-exclusionary radical feminist”.

What is a TERF?

Transgender individuals have long been discriminated against by society, however, there is a particularly virulent strain of transphobia that has grown in “popularity” since 2008, with the phrase TERF. These TERFS are advocates of radical feminism and believe trans woman’s gender identities are not legitimate. This frequently results in hostile behavior towards trans-identifying and gender-diverse individuals, especially with more inclusive efforts in recent years. The TERF ideology is based on the incorrect idea that sex and gender identity are the same. These TERFs view transgender individuals’ presence in spaces “designated” for cisgender individuals as a threat. The transgender community has been long discriminated against and marginalized, so the increased presence of TERFs has only made it harder for these transgender individuals to be their true selves.

TERFS have been known to harass and attempt to intimidate these trans individuals, both online and in person. There are unfortunately many cases of TERFS physically assaulting trans women trying to enter the women’s bathroom. Trans rights are protected in most places, however far too many counts of this verbal or physical assault go unreported.

TERF Battles - OutSmart Magazine

What is an example of a TERF’s behavior?

As previously discussed, these TERFS are known to attempt to intimidate and verbally and physically assault these trans individuals in public spaces. I admittedly had never heard of a TERF before I was scrolling through my TikTok For You Page and stumbled across a very video of this discrimination. This video, linked below, displays the intimidation efforts by these TERFS. I will give a content warning in the event that this discriminatory content will make anyone uncomfortable. This woman is very proud to admit she is a TERF, which is disgusting behavior. Lilly began receiving threats while dining at The Cheesecake Factory in San Francisco. Lilly was recording at this time and happened to get this behavior on video, and shared it to spread awareness of some of the discrimination these trans individuals face.

Content Warning: Transphobia and Verbal Abuse

A self-identified TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) threatened me at the @cheesecake factory. I happened to be streaming at the time and caught the encounter on camera. This happened at the Union Square location in San francisco

♬ original sound – lillytino

How can we help combat the TERF ideology?

In order to combat this hateful mindset, it is so crucial to educate oneself and others on the realities of gender identity, in the sense that biological sex does not equal gender identity. It is so important to stand with these trans individuals and provide extra support in the event of a run-in with a TERF. If one witnesses this bigotry in action, speak out against it, protect the transgender individual, and most importantly realize how this discrimination can inhibit their ability to complete daily tasks. This awareness can help foster a community of greater acceptance. Only by working together, we can create a world where all people, regardless of their gender identity, are able to live as their true selves, with both dignity and respect.

TERF Archives | South Seattle Emerald

Sources Consulted 

Gender Affirming Surgery

What is gender-affirming surgery?

Gender-affirming surgery, also sometimes referred to as sex reassignment surgery, is the process of an individual transitioning from their biological gender to their self-identified gender. There are many surgical options that can include: facial surgery, top surgery, and bottom surgery. These surgeries are extremely beneficial for those struggling with gender dysphoria for their mental health to be able to look in the mirror and see the gender they identify with. This can be a risky surgery with many complications, but in my eyes, this would be entirely worth it to feel comfortable in one’s skin.

Dylan Mulvaney face reveal: Her face before and after.
Dylan shared both of these images on her Instagram following the surgery

When discussing facial surgery, I will be focusing on Dylan Mulvaney, an American actress and transgender rights activist, who was very public about her transition on TikTok as she shared all sorts of content associated with this journey. She was very active during her transition doing a series where she would go through “Day __ of Being a Woman” describing her everyday life and issues she may have faced while deciding to transition from male to female identifying.

She elected to go through with facial feminization surgery as a huge step in her gender affirmation journey very recently. This facial feminization surgery took place on December 16, 2022, and has already made such a difference in comfort in her skin. She was very public with the good and the bad associated with this surgery but Dylan’s confidence absolutely radiates now that she feels more like herself.



♬ original sound – Dylan Mulvaney

Dylan and many transgender individuals are open with their affirming surgeries to create a greater sense of acceptance and attempt to normalize this for future generations. This surgery can save the lives of transgender individuals due to the unintended mental consequences that can come with not “seeing yourself” in the mirror, also referred to as gender dysphoria. Transgender individuals suffering from gender dysphoria have higher rates of suicide, due to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and physiological trauma, which can come as an effect of this. These disorders tend to be tied to a higher likelihood of suicide which is why we see this association. Dylan completed this surgery and can be seen absolutely beaming with joy, images shared on her Instagram for this reveal are included below.


The increased likelihood of suicide is a very sad reality for the transgender community, which is why society needs to provide support rather than chastise them for their true identity. Influencers and content creators like Dylan have shifted the narrative and have positively impacted society’s view on the trans community. Gender-affirming surgery is not the perfect solution for a transgender individual, but it can help individuals align their identity with who they see in the mirror. The Cleveland Clinic did a study on transgender individuals who elected to get gender-affirming surgery and found these transgender individuals “experience long-term mental health benefits. In one study, a person’s odds of needing mental health treatment declined by 8% each year after the gender-affirming procedure”, this is a major improvement in quality of life (Cleveland Clinic).

“Gender Affirmation Surgery: What Happens, Risks & Benefits.” Cleveland Clinic, Accessed 16 Feb. 2023.

Gender Dysphoria

What is Gender Dysphoria?

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a conflicting identity between one’s biological sex and gender identity. Gender dysphoria creates a general unease for the individual as they feel they are not living in the right body. It has many adverse effects on the human body, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and physiological trauma, which can make it very hard to go through everyday life. The effects can also be heightened with workplace or social challenges, meaning the individuals around them are not accepting of their self-identity.

There are many factors that can influence one’s gender identity (whether negatively or positively) including family, education, peer groups, mass media, religion, as well as one’s workplace. These environments reinforce traditional gender roles, which can establish very toxic conditions in which to develop and find oneself.

What are treatments for those struggling with gender dysphoria?
FOLX Health - Estrogen Replacement Therapy (HRT) Methods and Dosage Offered by FOLX
Pros and Cons of Estrogen Injections IMAGE SOURCE

There are many options for individuals struggling with gender dysphoria, who may elect to take hormones that help them feel closer to their gender identity. These help individuals feel more comfortable but do not resolve the other adverse effects of anxiety and depression. This is a long, uphill battle of becoming confident and comfortable in one’s skin, but options like hormonal therapy and gender-affirming surgery can help these individuals live happier lives.

Those who are biologically male, but female-identifying individuals, may elect to undergo feminizing hormone therapy which produces physical changes in one’s body similar to those caused by female hormones during puberty. There are many different ways of receiving these hormones in the body, with the most popular form being a shot of estrogen biweekly which will help these secondary sex features develop. Included below is an example of how to inject estrogen.

There are also hormonal therapies that exist for biologically female, male-identifying individuals, where they receive testosterone rather than estrogen shots. These shots allow increased facial and body hair, increased muscle mass and strength, decreased fat mass, the deepening of one’s voice, and many more effects that can be read about here. I have included a video of a transgender male receiving testosterone shots. These shots can be life-saving for these individuals who struggle with gender dysphoria as they better align their biological gender with their gender identity.


a little update for y’all #fyp #testosterone #trans #nonbinary #foryou #lgbtq

♬ original sound – Syd 🌈✨🐮


Those who suffer from gender dysphoria are more likely to commit suicide as a result of their depression or anxiety. Having options like hormone therapy or gender-affirming surgery allow these individuals to be happier in their own skin. The process for getting approved for these options can be long and draining as the individual attempts to prove their desire to transition.

How Does Gender-Affirming Hormone Treatment Affect the Metabolic Profile in Transgender Individuals? - Endocrinology Advisor
Testosterone Shot IMAGE SOURCE

I personally fully support any individual who elects to participate in gender-affirming treatments as being comfortable in one’s own skin is something too many of us take for granted. There has been a greater acceptance and open conversations about gender identity and assisting those with gender dysphoria. This is society moving in the right direction, but still, there is work to be done.




He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs were the pronouns that we were taught growing up in school. In more recent years, neopronouns have grown in popularity as a way for individuals to better demonstrate the complexity of their relationship with gender and how they identify. This has certainly sparked some controversy over whether this is acceptable since it goes against everything the lessons taught to American children in schools.

U of Tennessee withdraws guide to pronouns preferred by some transgender people
an example of a publication from UofTennessee of some pronouns preferred by individuals at their campus IMAGE SOURCE

It is much easier for American children to learn the “traditional” pronouns (He, She, Them) as there are three rather than an all-inclusive list that frequently expands. However, this is not to say that society should not attempt to educate children from an early age on the varying gender identities and pronoun usage. Children must understand the different pronouns Americans use before they can understand how neopronouns function later on in life.

I found many educational sites on neopronouns, which had comparisons between “traditional” pronouns and the neopronoun equivalent, making it much easier to comprehend and understand the slight differences. This comparison was very helpful to me (maybe not to everyone) to understand the usage, pronunciation, etc.

LGBTQ+: Labels and more - Neopronouns - Wattpad
an example of some neopronouns and how they may be used by individuals IMAGE SOURCE

Now although UofTennessee‘s list was not extremely long, it should be a requirement for colleges and universities to educate their students in order to have more inclusive and competent future leaders. The most updated list (I could find) included: Ne/Nem/Nir, Ve/Ver/Vis, Ey/Em/Eir, Ze/Zie/Hir, Xe/Xem/Xyr, Xy/Xyr/Xyrs, Hi/Hir/Hirs, Fae/Faer/Faers, Ae/Aer/Aers, Thon/Thon/Thon, Per/Per/Pers, Zee/Zed/Zeta all matching the format of the She/Her/Hers pronoun.

Edmund Green Langdell (They/Them) IMAGE SOURCE

During my research, an article posted by Edmund Green Langdell (they/them) demonstrated their understanding of this subject and the importance of embracing those who feel most comfortable with neopronouns. Langdell described why these neopronouns are essential which can best be summed up with “[t]hey prioritize the complexity of an individual’s relationship with gender, rather than having pronouns that always relate to the gender binary in some way”. They also go on to describe some of the most common neopronouns and how they line up with They/Them/Theirs pronouns, making it very easy for the audience to view this similarity.

I can somewhat understand where this discomfort comes from since it is entirely different from what many individuals have been taught. But there is absolutely no reason for an individual to not take the time to make individuals feel more included and appreciated by using proper pronouns. Social Media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter have all made positive strides toward a more inclusive environment by allowing individuals to publicly display their preferred pronouns on their accounts. However, it is also important to acknowledge the presence of microaggressions where an individual will intentionally use the wrong pronouns, which is inexcusable. This intentional act is one of the many examples of how ignorance is passed down through generations. It is our societal duty to normalize the use of both pronouns and neopronouns and not be afraid to ask questions to attempt to educate oneself further. This education can help future generations of neopronouns users feel more comfortable in their skin and included in society, and hopefully, reduce the presence of microaggressions. 

My personal stance on neopronouns is that they are just as acceptable as “traditional” pronouns. These neopronouns allow individuals to feel more comfortable with their identity and embrace their true selves. It is important to note that I am a straight white, cisgender female who uses She/Her pronouns, I attempt to create an inclusive environment by introducing myself as Leah Hayes (She/Her) and clarifying pronoun usage when meeting new individuals. It is a simple act like this that can create a more inclusive community here at Penn State and in the outside world, so consider doing the same the next time you meet someone for the first time! 

Sources Consulted:,What%20are%20gender%20pronouns%3F,someone%20by%20the%20wrong%20name.