
Transparency and Privacy in health technologies

We explore how health consumers interact with consumer-facing technologies such as symptom checkers and other mobile health apps in their everyday health practices, as well as user-centered design to prototype and test ways to enhance the explainability and privacy preservation of these technologies.

Image by redgreystock on Freepik

Risk and Crisis Communication in Public Health Crisis

We study how citizens interact with the fragmented and complex public health infrastructure and make informed decisions during public health crises.

Gaming and Esports

We are interested in understanding how players have fun, socialize, collaborate, learn, and progress in video games.

Photo by ELLA DON on Unsplash

Image by on Freepik

Governance and Moderation

We study how design efforts such as moderation could make online communities a better place. A focus is on understanding and supporting punished users.

Funding: National Science Foundation award #IIS-2006854;National Science Foundation award # 2326505.

Personal Informatics

We focus on how quantified self (e.g., self-tracking) helps users manage their personal health, virtual teamwork, and offline work, and how quantification (quantified self and others) impacts users’ social practices.

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash