Everyone loves a pizza party but getting everyone to agree on what kind of pizza is a different story. Need a solution everyone can agree on? Personalized pizzas! Personalized pizzas are quick and easy. They allow the entire family to get involved and they are a great way to add extra veggies (or fruit) without compromising that classic pizza taste we all know and love. Here are two great personalize pizza recipes we recommend trying with your family.
For the classic pizza lover:
Tomato and cheese is a classic combination but these personalized pizzas are a great way to add veggies, and fruit, to an already delicious treat! Try onions and mushrooms, peppers and sausage, or the always controversial ham and pineapple combination. The possibilities are endless.
For the adventure pizza connoisseur:
Fruit pizza is a great way to provide a balanced meal or snack while also offering a delicious treat. try seasonal options such as strawberries and blueberries or apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Having an assortment of fruits and vegetables to choose from lets kids create their own combinations while encouraging them to try new things. Plan your personal pizza party tonight and get creative!
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