Dragon fruit is also known as pitaya and is a member of the cactus family and is grown primarily in Southeast Asia and Central and South America. It has a red, white, yellow leathery skin and contains hundreds of tiny black edible seeds with a mildly sweet flavor. If you give dragon fruit a good squeeze and it gives a little it is ready to eat!

You can slice all the way through dragon fruit to separate the halves and scoop out the “flesh” from the skin. You can slice the flesh and eat it all by itself or in cereal, fruit salad, or even smoothies. Dragon fruit is a great source of lycopene which is a non-provitamin A carotenoid that promotes good oral and bone health. It is also high in vitamin C, a well-known antioxidant to protect the body from cancer causing free radicals.
Dragon fruit is part of the fruit group on MyPlate. Fruits are very important to eat in our diet as they can lower the risk of heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, and maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Fruits also contain many essential nutrients like potassium, fiber, folate and are low in fat, sodium, and calories. Here is a fun way to incorporate dragon fruit and more fruit into your diet for all the health benefits!
Stunning Dragon Fruit Salad

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