Often, people may want to grab a soda or other soft beverage to accompany a meal, however, these drinks contain a lot of sugar and aren’t always the healthiest choice for our bodies.
This leads us to the question, what drinks are good for us?
The best answer for that is – water! And while you can have it plain, there are lots of ways to drink water. The first option for water is still (meaning it is not bubbly), or sparkling (which makes it bubbly, like soda)! You can also add fruits, vegetables, and spices to your water to flavor it and jazz it up. Some examples include making citrus water by adding slices of lemon, lime, or oranges. For a sweeter option, you could add some berries. Or you could opt for something more refreshing by adding fresh mint leaves and cucumber. The options are endless!
Another healthier drink is 100% fruit juice mixed with still or carbonated water. Because fruit juice is high in sugar, adding in water allows it to maintain its flavor, uses less juice, and adds in a more hydrating component. The sugar in 100% fruit juice is natural and better for your body than the fake sugars found in soda. As a healthy drink bonus, you can also find 100% juices that are calcium-fortified. When shopping for juices, it’s important to compare nutritional labels. It’s important to look at calories and sugars added. It’s also important to check the serving size.
Other great drinks are dairy products or dairy alternatives. For example, low-fat and fat free milks, or plant-based milks that are calcium-fortified (i.e. almond milk). Dairy products contain nutrients that are important for the body like calcium and vitamin-D. It’s important that we get enough of these nutrients to help improve our bone health.
Written by: Kailee Bar-Nadav