Monday can make or break a week. You can either wake up feeling ready to take on the day, or totally dread going back never ending zoom calls and long hours of challenging homework. I know waking up early in the morning for my 8 a.m. class and staying focused for 7 more hours of zoom university makes me feel drained and I bet some of you feel the same way.
One way to make your Mondays better and set the positive tone for a great week is to find a way to get out and get active! According to the Harvard Medical School “exersice improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety,” (Godman, 2020). So the real question is, what should I do for a fun workout?
Fortunately, Penn State student affairs offers numerous group classes so you can stay active with friends while being safe. Today I participated in the kickboxing cardio class. This class is designed for anyone and does not require any prior kickboxing experience. Once all the registered students met up in the tennis courts by the IM building the instructors started our 45 minuite workout with an upbeat warm up. The class went through different jab, cross, and kick combinations to keep heart rate up and included other bodyweight exersices for streangth training. After the workout was complete the group went through a quick cool down and several streches. The best part was that there were free smothie samples waiting for us as we walked out!
I would definently recommend this class for anyone who wants to have fun and destress from a long day. To register click here and use your Penn state acsess account to sign in, even though there is a checkout process all classes are free.
Have a great week Penn Staters and stay healthy! Bel
Godman, H. (2020, June 26). Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills. Retrieved September 08, 2020, from