Ever think about what planet you will need to move to if Earth’s atmosphere continues to increase in temperature? A few decades ago this question may have seemed completely bonkers, but with what scientists know today the idea of finding a new planet to run to does not seem as crazy.
Heres the deal, climate change is the term used to describe the gradual increase in global tempurature due to the increase of greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide trapping heat in our atmosphere. A few degrees may not seem like a big deal, but in reality the shift of only 1 degree has resulted in a rise in sea level, more catasrophic weather event such as hurricanes, wildfires, and increased rainfall. According to NASA carbon dioxide has increased by 415 parts per million and teh global temperature has increase 2.1 degrees celcius sicne 1880.
People usually have two different views on climate change. Some believe in the science behind cliamte change, while otehrs doubt that the tempurature is rising due either becuase they think the colder seasons prove that climate change is part of a natural cycle, or these people beleive that climate change will not be that bad. While people are entitled to tehir opinions this is a serious matter and the refusal to believe in science recently resulted in a major setback to working towards slowing cliamte change. Our previous president, Donald Trump, was not a climate change believer and due to his belifs pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement. This is a legal agreement between countries all over the world to reduce their production of pollution contributing to the increase in climate. More information on teh Paris climate agreement can be found here.
All in all the climate change issue is one that is heavily debated and this debate causes major setback on working towards a solution. This section of my blog will focus on these dissagreements and try to shed a light on the steps we can take towards workign together for the common good. If you want to do some more background research yourself feel free to visit the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change who does surveys and reports on the climate as well as factors afeecting cliamte.
One Comment
I believe climate change is one of the largest (if not the largest) problems facing our planet today. The amount of people that refuse to believe the science behind it truly surprises me. I think, and hope, President Biden’s administration will take this prevalent problem much more seriously than Trumps’ did. He already rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, so I think we are off to a good start! I really hope we are able to make some improvements and changes to lessen the damaging effects and threats posed by climate change.