Vitamin G…also known as the ultimate antioxidant.
The “g” in vitamin G stands for “grounding”, and you get it from walking around outside barefoot—also known as “earthing”. You don’t get it from eating fruits and vegetables in fact it does not come from any food at all. It is not a supplement it is simply earthing.
The earth is electrical in nature and provides us with an unlimited supply of health-promoting and grounding negatively-charged electrons. These electrons act as antioxidants.
You know that amazing feeling you get when you walk outside after a thunderstorm? Or after a simple rain storm when the sun comes out? Or the amazing feeling you get when the bad weather has end and the sun comes out? That soothing feeling comes from an increase of negative ions in the air from the electrical storm.
Human beings are electrically positive and our earth is electrically negative, put the two together and you create a harmoniously balanced circuit. Because remember opposites attract, the earth is negative and as humans we are positive so we perfectly create an emotional balance.
Because most of us work indoors, wear shoes, and sleep on mattresses raised up above the ground we rarely come into direct contact with the earth.
Even if you spend time outdoors on the weekends hiking or bike riding, you likely have a thick sole between you and earth’s surface.
Add to this the amount of time we spend on screens and other electronic devices (all of which radiate a positive charge), and you can see why everyone living on-the-grid will benefit from the skin-on-ground time.
Health Benefits
Helps decrease insomnia
This is HUGE. The CDC reports over 70 million American suffer from sleep or wakefulness disorders with over 30% of adults banking less than 6 hours a night.
Insomnia, and other sleep issues, are one of the main causal factors behind chronic disease that I see in my practice. And sleep medications, with all their scary side-effects, are hardly a long-term solution to insomnia.
Reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases
This study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, concluded that grounding/earthing increased the surface charge of red blood cells, thereby reducing their viscosity and clumping.
The authors of that study stated that earthing appears to be one of the simplest yet most profound ways to help reduce cardiovascular disease. I would tend to agree.
This is just one study of many correlating the cardiovascular benefits of getting grounded on a regular basis.
So…how can we get more vitamin G?
The best, cheapest, and easiest way to get your daily dose of Vitamin G is to walk around barefoot in the grass, dirt, mud, or even concrete, for 20-40 minutes a day.
If that seems like a lot, try breaking it up throughout your day. Kick off your shoes before walking to the mailbox, while you’re gardening, or playing with your kids in the backyard.
If you live near the ocean, you can get grounded by swimming in the sea or walking on the beach.
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