Going into college one thing I had always looked forward to participating in is IM Sports. This is where a group of friends can get together and play recreational sports; some of these include soccer, basketball, softball. Penn State has over twenty options to choose from. Volleyball has always been something I was good at and enjoyed playing so I had always planned to get an IM volleyball team going. However, just a few days a girl on my floor asked me to join a flag football team. For my senior field day in high school the girls played one powder puff flag football game and it was a lot of fun then, so I agreed to join. There is now about ten girls on the floor signed up to play and I am excited for our first game.
Sometimes going to the gym can get boring if you are doing the same routine after a while so this is a fun way to stay active while making friends. Sometime next week a bunch of us are going to make team shirts together so that is just one way to start off the team on a good note. We also have another friend on our floor who played football in high school and he agreed to coach our team. While none of us are taking this too seriously, it is still fun to start getting competitive and making ourselves a strong team. Right now I am not as concerned about winning as I am getting some what of a workout in while also being around friends.
During the games there should be a decent amount cardio which is a good thing. Football is not cardio in the way the sports like basketball and soccer are where you are running for the entirety of the game, but quick sprints and then breaks between each play. I hope that I will be good at this with my experience of sprinting on the track and field team in high school. Also, this sport is a relatively safe game and easy to pick up for somebody who might not have ever played before, there are also many other benefits that come along with this game. Overall, I am really looking forward to seeing how these games will play out, and if anybody reading this is interested, I would absolutely encourage you to get a team together and join!